U SABILITY TESTING PLAN FOR T HE C APTURE OF S AMPO Zhejia Tapani Pirjo Kakko Yuan Gao Yini Wang Li yicheng
T EAM MEMBERS (Zhejia Tapani) (Yini Wang) (Pirjo Kakko) (Yuan Gao ) (Yicheng Li )
C ASE DESCRIPTION We are going to make usability testing plan for board game-The Capture of Sampo from Tuonela Oy. Target group: Experienced game players, mainly for young people and partically middle people.
F OCUS First impression Playability Graphics
T ESTING PERSONS Age distribution: (70%) 25-40(30%)? Sex ratio: female(50%) male(50%) Nation: Finnish and Chinese Game experiences: The number of users: 4 or 5 pairs
T ESTING PROTOCOL The actual games are deliveried to players before testing. Players will have 20-30mins to read instructions and get familared with game. Observers will observe during the whole testing period and give players certain help when they have problems. When players requires questions, observers have to write down those questions for later data analysis and then provide them help. Depend on situation, observers will only videotape few testing groups.
T ESTING PROTOCOL Tasks: Playing in peers Player should play this game in comfortable environment. The playing period is within half an hour After game completion, players need to fill in questionnaire.
T EAM MEMBER ROLES Pirjo Kakko: questionnaire, collecting finish testing group data Yini Wang, Yuan Gao and Yicheng Li :collecting chinese testing group data Zhejia Tapani: project leader, final data collection
T IME AND LOCATION Time of period: all testing groups have to be performed during this week Location: at home or others