Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Kingston Fossil Plant Knoxville
Coal Combustion Residue: Status of EPA’s Efforts to Regulate Disposal Lauren Parry Boyer Cited from GAO, Frank Rusco
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions Environmental Protection Agency Sent request letters to 210 facilities and 61 corporate offices Purpose - To determine the number of CCR coal storage areas and other information Ultimate Goal – To assess the structural stability Currently, 584 coal storage areas in 35 States
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions Problems 1.Structural defects (such as TVA Kingston Facility) 1.Health and environmental risks 26 facilities reported spills or unpermitted releases within 10 years 24 cited were proven to endanger human health and environment between cited were potential damage cases 1.Risks from wastewater containing CCR Toxins from CCR wastewater seep into groundwater from unlined surface impoundments EPA reports that toxins in CCR wastewater will continue to increase
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions EPA does not Directly Regulate CCR Disposal The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) OptionsIndustry and State Agencies Environmental Groups Regulations under Subtitle C Regulations under Subtitle D X X
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions Beneficial Uses for CCR Wastes Subtitle D reduced potential risks Used in cement, concrete, wallboard products, roadbeds and structural fill
Coal Combustion Residue Data | Storing CCRs | Federal Role | Resolutions Current Issues to be Resolved Reconsidering Subtitle D Hybrid Approach – Hazardous waste may become solid waste upon regulations Studies suggest CCRs present risks to human health and the environment New units are lined and provided with groundwater monitors but these only represent a small portion of existing plants Federal vs. State control debate