Environmental Water Chemistry @ Griffin Qingguo “Jack” Huang Department of Crop and Soil Sciences University of Georgia
Laboratory Major Equipment HPLC/MS/MS GC/MS Scanning UV/Vis Liquid Scintillation Counter HPLC-PDA-Florescence FTIR Freeze dryer Biological oxidizer Waters
Group Members Ph.D. Students MS Students Postdoc Rashmi Singh (2008-) Sudeep Sidhu (2008-) Lisa Luo (2011-) MS Students Liwen Zhang (2008-) Lisa Luo (2008-2010) Postdoc Junhe Lu (2007-2010) Visiting Ph.D. Students Liang Mao (Nanjing University) (2007-09) Lina Zhou (Northwest A&F University) Undergraduate Students Michelle Gerlosky 2008 Matthew Aderhold 2011 James Byrd 2011
Molecular identification General Theme Chemical analysis Molecular identification Molecular basis Environmental behaviors
Research Area Plant Materials Catalysis Nanoparticles Emerging Contaminants Nanoparticles
Emerging Contaminants: Enzyme catalysis 1. Mao et al. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2009 2. Mao et al. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010 3. Lu J. et al. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010 4. Lu J. et al. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010
Emerging Contaminants: PFOA DoD SERDP, $150,000, PI Huang Remediation of Perfluoroakyl Contaminated Aquifer using an In-Situ Two-Layer Barrier: Laboratory Batch and Column Study Colosi et al., 2009, Environ. Toxi. Chem.
Carbon Nanotubes SEM (140,721 x). TEM (100K x). HRTEM (300K x). We adapted an established chemcial vapour deposition method, and used C14-labeled methane as the feedstock gas and went through the synthesis procedure and obatined radio-labled multi-walled carbon nanotubes.
EPA STAR Grant ($383,376) Phase Distribution Transformation Environmental Behaviors of Solubilized Carbon Nanotubes in Aquatic Systems: Transformation, Sorption, and Toxicity Exposure PI Qingguo Huang Co-PIs Marsha Black, Zhengwei Pan 833321 Phase Distribution Transformation Bioavailability to fish 1. Petersen et al. 2008, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2. Petersen et al., 2008, Environ. Health Persp. 3. Liu X.Y. et al., 2009, Environ. Sci. Technol. 4. Zhang L. et al., 2011, Environ. Sci. Technol.
Iron Nanoparticles 20 nm To achieve those desirable features, we have lately developed a approach to simultaneously synthesize and immobilize zero iron nanoparticles. This approach invovles four general steps. Preassemble polyelectrolyte multilyers using LbL self-assembly. Poly(allylamine hydrochloride) Then we dip the support material in ferrous sulfate solution. Some iron 2+ will complex to the polyelectrolyte multilayers through ion exchange. Pay attention to PAA, which is a weak acid. This allows us to manipulate the size of the particles, which I will discuss later. 1. Huang et al. 2008, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2. Xiao et al. 2009, ACS Applied Materials 3. Shen M. et al. 2009, J. Phy. Chem. 4. Xiao et al. 2010, J. Materials Chem.
A novel Bio-dethatch Approach U.S. provisional patent “Methods and compositions using fungal laccases to reduce turf thatch (61/388,160).
Publications & Grants @ UGA 22 peer-reviewed journal articles (12 as senior authors Grants EPA STAR ($383, 376), PI DoD SERDP ($150,000), PI GCSAA ($40K), PI EPA region 4 ($67,615), Co-PI GA EPD ($25K), Co-PI Sea Grant ($150K), Co-PI
Collaboration and Service Collaborators UGA (in/outside department), outside UGA Affiliations UGA (NanoSEC, Tox, Engineering) Professional (SSSA, ACS) Committees Interdisciplinary toxicology program graduate admission committee (2010-) Griffin Campus Laboratory Safety Committee Chair (2011-) Griffin Campus Employee Council Member (2008-10) Griffin Campus Visitors Housing Committee Member (2009-) CAES Faculty Affair and Grievance Committee member (2008-) CAES Griffin Campus Scholarship Review Committee member (2010-)
Professional Activities Manuscripts review (47 since 2007) Meeting presentations 21 total by members from my group (7 SSSA, 5 ACS) 12 total by myself (2 SSSA, 2 ACS) Symposium Organization SSSA annual meeting, 2011, in process “Environmental Fate, Transport, Transformation of Organic Contaminants in Soil/Water Systems” Grants Review NSF Environmental Engineering (panel) United states-Israel Bi-national Science Foundation Scholarship Review EPA GRO graduate fellowship
Professional Activities Invited talks Nanjing University, China, May 2007 Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, May 2007 Nanjing University, China, June 2009 Donghua University, China, June 2009 Queen’s University, Canada, March 2010 The Asia/Pacific chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2010 Conference, Guangzhou, China, June 2010 Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Shanghai, China, June 2010 Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, China, June 2010 Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China, June 2010 Donghua University, Shanghai, China, June 2010 Georgia Institute of Technology, October 2010 Michigan State University, December 2010
Recognitions Baiyulan award, 2010 Students honor First place student presentation, ASA - Southern Branch meeting, 2011. First place student poster presentation, SSSGA annual meeting, 2011. Second place student presentation, ACS 240th National meeting, 2010 First place graduate student oral presentation, C-05 Industry Division, ASA meeting, 2010 Second place student presentation, Combined Carolinas and Georgia SECTAC Annual meeting, 2010 Second place poster presentation award at AWWA annual meeting, 2008.
Teaching & Extension Teaching Extension Introduction to Water Quality (1.95, 1.15, 1.32) Chemical Analysis of Environmental Samples (1.60, 1.58) Extension GGCSA/USGA Georgia turf field day Griffin water works