The 68HC11 Microcontroller Minnesota State University, Mankato Chapter 1: Introduction to 68HC11 The 68HC11 Microcontroller Han-Way Huang Minnesota State University, Mankato
Computer Hardware Organization What is a computer? Software Hardware Computer Hardware Organization Control unit common bus Arithmetic logic unit memory output input Registers program data unit unit storage storage Figure 1.1 Computer hardware organization
The processor The microprocessor The Microcontroller Registers -- storage locations in the processor Arithmetic logic unit Control unit program counter keeps track of the address of the next instruction to be executed status register flags the instruction execution result The microprocessor A processor implemented on a very large scale integration (VLSI) chip Peripheral chips are needed to construct a product The Microcontroller The processor and peripheral functions implemented on one VLSI chip
Features of the 68HC11A8 microcontroller - 8-bit CPU - 256 bytes SRAM - 512 bytes EEPROM - 8 KB ROM - 3 input capture channels - 5 output compare functions - one 8-bit pulse accumulator - one serial communication interface (SCI) - one serial peripheral interface (SPI) - real-time interrupt (RTI) circuit - 8-channel 8-bit A/D converter - computer operate properly (COP) watchdog system
Examples of microcontroller applications - Displays - Printers - Keyboards - Modems - Charge card phones - Refrigerators - Washing machines - Microwave ovens - Automobile engine fuel injection - Fax machines - Motor speed control - etc.
Random-access memory (RAM): same amount of time Semiconductor memory - Random-access memory (RAM): same amount of time is required to access any location on the same chip Read-only memory (ROM): can only be read but not written by the processor Random-access memory - Dynamic random-access memory (DRAM): periodic refresh is required to maintain the contents of a DRAM chip - Static random-access memory (SRAM): no periodic refresh is required Read-only memory - Mask-programmed read-only memory (MROM): programmed when being manufactured - Programmable read-only memory (PROM): the memory chip can be programmed by the end user
- Erasable programmable ROM (EPROM) 1. electrically programmable many times 2. erased by ultraviolet light (through a window) 3. erasable in bulk (whole chip in one erasure operation) - Electrically erasable programmable ROM (EEPROM) 1. electrically programmable many times 2. electrically erasable many times 3. can be erased one location, one row, or whole chip in one operation - Flash memory 3. can only be erased in bulk
Computer software - Computer programs are known as software - A program is a sequence of instructions Machine instruction - A sequence of binary digits which can be executed by the processor - Hard to understand for human being Assembly language - Defined by assembly instructions - An assembly instruction is a mnemonic representation of a machine instruction - Assembly programs must be translated before it can be executed -- translated by an assembler
High-level language - Syntax of a high-level language is similar to English - A translator is required to translate the program written in a high-level language -- done by a compiler Source code - A program written in assembly or high-level language Object code - The output of an assembler or compiler
Memory Addressing Memory consists of addressable locations A memory location has 2 components: address and contents address contents Data transfer between CPU and memory involves address bus and data bus address bus lines CPU memory data bus lines Figure 1.5 Data transfer between CPU and memory
68HC11 addressing modes Table 1.1 Prefix for number representation Base Prefix binary octal decimal hexadecimal % @ nothing* $ *Note: Some assemblers use & Operands needed in an instruction are specified by one of the 6 addressing modes Immediate mode The actual operand is contained in the byte or bytes immediately following the instruction opcode LDAA #22 ADDA #@32 LDD #1000
Direct mode ADDA $10 SUBA $20 LDD $30 Extended mode LDAA $1000 A one-byte value is used as the address of a memory operand (located in on-chip SRAM) ADDA $10 SUBA $20 LDD $30 Extended mode A two-byte value is used as the address of a memory operand LDAA $1000 LDX $1000 ADDD $1030 Indexed mode The sum of one of the index registers and an 8-bit value is used as the address of a memory operand ADDA 10,X LDAA 3,Y
Inherent mode ABA INCB INX Relative mode ... BEQ there ADDA #10 - Operands are implied by the instruction - No address information is needed ABA INCB INX Relative mode - Used in branch instructions to specify the branch target - Specified using either a 16-bit value or a label (preferred) ... BEQ there ADDA #10 there DECB
A Sample of 68HC11 Instructions The LOAD instructions A group of instructions that place a value or copy the contents of a memory location (or locations) into a register LDAA <opr> LDAB <opr> LDD <opr> LDX <opr> LDY <opr> LDS <opr> <opr> can be immediate, direct, extended, or index mode Examples LDAA $10 LDX #$1000
The ADD instruction ABA ABX ABY ADDA <opr> ADDB <opr> A group of instructions perform addition operation ABA ABX ABY ADDA <opr> ADDB <opr> ADDD <opr> ADCA <opr> ADCB <opr> <opr> is specified using immediate, direct, extended, or index mode Examples. ADDA #10 ADDA $20 ADDD $30
SBCA <opr> ; A [A] - <opr> - C flag The SUB instruction A group of instructions that perform the subtract operation SBA SUBA <opr> SUBB <opr> SUBD <opr> SBCA <opr> ; A [A] - <opr> - C flag SBCB <opr> ; A [B] - <opr> - C flag <opr> can be immediate, direct, extended, or index mode Examples SUBA #10 SUBA $10 SUBA 0,X SUBD 10,X
<addr> can be direct, extended, or index mode Examples: STAA $20 The STORE instruction A group of instructions that store the contents of a register into a memory location or memory locations STAA <addr> STAB <addr> STD <addr> STX <addr> STY <addr> STS <addr> <addr> can be direct, extended, or index mode Examples: STAA $20 STAA 10,X STD $10 STD $1000 STD 0,X
The 68HC11 Machine Code A 68HC11 instruction consists of 1 to 2 bytes of opcode and 0 to 3 bytes of operand information Examples Machine instructions Assembly instruction (in hex format) LDAA #29 86 1D STAA $00 97 00 ADDA $02 9B 02 STAA $01 97 01 INY 18 08
Decoding machine language instructions Procedure Step 1 Compare the first one or two bytes with the opcode table to identify the corresponding assembly mnemonic and format. Step 2 Identify the operand bytes after the opcode field. Step 3 Write down the corresponding assembly instruction. Step 4 Repeat step 1 to 3 until the machine code file is exhausted. A sample of machine codes and assembly instruction format machine code assembly instruction format 01 NOP 86 LDAA IMM 96 LDAA DIR C6 LDAB IMM D6 LDAB DIR CC LDD IMM DC LDD DIR 8B ADDA IMM 9B ADDA DIR CB ADDB IMM
machine code assembly instruction format DB ADDB DIR C3 ADDD IMM D3 ADDD DIR 97 STAA DIR D7 STAB DIR DD STD DIR Example. Disassemble the following machine code to its corresponding assembly instructions. 96 30 8B 07 97 30 96 31 Solution: The disassembly process starts from the leftmost byte. We next look up the machine code table to see which instruction it corresponds to. Instruction 1. Step 1. The first byte 96 corresponds to the instruction LDAA DIR. Step 2. The second byte, 30, is the direct address. Step 3. Therefore, the first instruction is LDAA $30.
Instruction 2. Step 1. The third byte (8B) corresponds to the instruction ADDA IMM. Step 2. The immediate value is 07. Step 3. Therefore, the second instruction is ADDA $07. Instruction 3. Step 1. The fifth byte (97) corresponds to the instruction STAA DIR. Step 2. The DIR address is the next byte 30. Step 3. Therefore, the third instruction is STAA $30. Instruction 4. Step 1. The seventh byte (96) corresponds to the instruction LDAA DIR. Step 2. The DIR value is the next byte 31. Step 3. Therefore, the four instruction is LDAA $31.
The 68HC11 Instruction Execution Cycle - Perform a sequence of read cycles to fetch instruction opcode byte and address information. - Optionally perform read cycle(s) required to fetch the memory operand. - Perform the operation specified by the opcode. - Optionally write back the result to a register or a memory location. - Consider the following 3 instructions Assembly instruction Memory location Opcode LDAA $2000 $C000 B6 20 00 ADAA $3000 $C003 BB 30 00 STAA $2000 $C006 B7 20 00
Instruction LDAA $2000 Step 1. Place the value in PC on the address bus with a request to read the contents of that location. Step 2. The opcode byte $B6 at $C000 is returned to the CPU and PC is incremented by 1.
Step 3. CPU performs two read cycles to obtain the extended address $2000 from locations $C001 and $C002. At the end the value of PC is incremented to $C003
Step 4. The CPU performs another read to get the contents of the memory location at $2000, which is $19. The value $19 will be loaded into accumulator A.