Welcome to China Presentation Created by Mr. Tom Quinn Narragansett Pier School Grade 7 Social Studies
The Land and People China is approximately the size of the United States but has five times as many citizens.
World Population Comparison
Yesterday China has one of the oldest civilizations. The first settlements date back to 6000 BC. In ancient times the Chinese believed their culture was the most perfect on Earth. They called their land Chung- Kuo, The Middle Kingdom.
The Great Wall To preserve their cultural purity and to keep foreign influence out, they built a huge wall.
Some Facts About The Great Wall Ch’in Shih Huang Ti, the first real emperor, had the Great Wall built to keep out Mongol invaders in the Second Century BC. The Wall is almost 3,750 miles long and travels over many miles of mountainous terrain in northern China. The Wall was built by 1,000,000 people in a period of just 10 years. It is the only manmade object that can be seen from outer space.
The Emperor-Son of Heaven In ancient times China was ruled by an emperor. He was believed to be the Son of Heaven and he lived in a beautiful palace inside the famous Forbidden City. The emperor was believed to be divine. He was the only person allowed to wear yellow.
The Forbidden City The Forbidden City is located in China’s capital, Beijing There are 9,999 rooms in the Forbidden City. Today tourists from around the world walk where only emperors did.
Today The last emperor was forced to leave the Forbidden City in In 1949 a communist revolution led by Mao Zedong created the People’s Republic of China
China and the World Today the Chinese government is under fire for human rights violations. China is struggling with the problems of overpopulation and modernization. Most of the population lives in poor rural villages. Many have no electricity or running water.
China’s Landmarks The Mausoleum Of Mao Zedong in Beijing A Guardian Lion inside the Forbidden City
The Terracotta Army of the Emperor Qi Shi Huang Di
Over 8,000 life sized figures were buried with the Emperor Qi Shi when he died in 210 BC. The tomb was discovered in An Army for the Lord of 10,0000 Years
Government and Religion The Summer Palace of the Ming Dynasty Emperors. A Buddhist prayer pagoda outside Beijing.
In the Eye of the Dragon