Chinese Civilization
Chinese culture began about 1500 BC Classical China was centered on the Huang He (or Yellow River ) Geographically isolated Migratory invaders entered China from the North.
The Great Wall of China The Great Wall was built for China’s protection. Built by Qin Shi Huangdi as a line of defense against invasions.
Dynasties China was governed by a succession of ruling families called dynasties. Chinese rulers were considered divine, but they served under a Mandate of Heaven only as long as their rule was just.
Silk Road The Silk Roads facilitated trade and contact between China and other cultures as far away as Rome.
Contributions of classical China Civil service system Paper Porcelain Silk
Qinling Shandi
The mountain range that separates the Huang and Chang River valleys is called the Qinling Shandi.
Rice is the leading farm product in the south and central part of China, where rainfall is plentiful. Wheat is the principal crop of northern China.
China Proper is the smallest and most historically significant section - the heart of China - and stretches from the eastern seacoast inland.
The three great river systems that wind through China Proper are the Huang, Chang, and Xi.
The Huang River has a yellow tint from the fertile soil of the river valley, which is called loess. The Chinese word for yellow is "huang", which gives the river its name.
While the Chinese did adopt some skills and idea from other peoples, China's geographic isolation helped it to develop a distinct Chinese culture.