Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 1 Jet, flow and correlation in pA and dA ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba contents Multiplicity,


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Presentation transcript:

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 1 Jet, flow and correlation in pA and dA ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba contents Multiplicity, spetcra, R pA and jets Ridge-like correlation and flow

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 2 Multiplicity measurements from ATLAS HP2013, S. Milov Pbp

PLB 727 (2013) Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 3 Mean p T as a function of N ch

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 4 Baryon/Meson ratio PLB 728 (2014) flow, quark coalescence

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 5 Hadron spectra Fitting on , K, p,  spectra with Blast-Wave (hydro inspired) functional form to extract freeze-out parameters ( T fo,  T ) PLB 728 (2014) P+PbPb+Pb NFQCD2013, J. Schukraft

PRL 110, (2013) R pA vs R AA pA as a controlled experiment for comparison to AA This provides that the suppression in AA is not an initial state effect Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 6

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 7 No significant suppression of Jet observed for min. bias pPb at 5TeV Jet R pPb (p+Pb 5.02TeV) vs Jet R CP (Pb+Pb 2.76TeV) WWND2014, M. Verweij

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 8 Glauber-Gribov - color fluctuation (  ) Centrality and  dependences HP2013, M. Spousta Pb-side p-side

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 9 Centrality Bias Correction ( ∝ 1/Q pPb ) pPb 5TeV Hijing arXiv: HP2013, C. Oppedisano

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 10 RHIC-PHENIX --- R dAu of  0 and jet ---

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 11 LHC-ATLAS --- R pPb of jet w.r.t. pythia --- HP2013, D.Perepelitsa

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 12 Di-jet  shift vs centrality HP2013, D. Gulhan

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 13 ridge/v n between Pb+Pb and p+Pb more jet-like

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 14 ridge/v n between p+p and p+Pb more jet-like

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 15 v 2 and v 3 between p+Pb and Pb+Pb --- CMS --- HP2013, W. Li

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 16 ridge/v n between peripheral and central collisions PRL110, (2013)

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 17 v 2 and v 3 in p+Pb --- ATLAS --- v 2  10 % v 3  5 % at p T  2GeV/c in central p+Pb collisions

PLB 719 (2013) Double ridge in p+Pb --- ALICE --- Central – Peripheral subtraction of associate yield per trigger Assumption : no change in jet shape Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 18

PLB 726 (2013) Particle identified double ridge in pA --- ALICE --- similar to the “hydro-like” mass dependence of v 2 (p T ) as seen in AA collision as well as the baryon-meson difference at middle p T region Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 19

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 20 AMPT simulation p+Pb 5TeV (string-melting on/off) for ALICE backward-central  correlation (|  |=3  6) JPS 2014/Mar, Kazuki Oshima, Univ. of Tsukuba A-side : Pb-going side C-side : p-going side

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 21 LHC-RHIC comparison (p+Pb 5TeV) – (d+Au 200GeV) --- v 2 (p T ) and v 2 /  2 (dN ch /d  ) --- PRL 111, (2013)

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 22 RHIC-STAR acceptance

TPC-centrality |  |<1 FTPC-centrality -3.8<  <-2.8 (Au-side) ZDC-centrality (Au-Side) Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 23

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 24  dependence of  correlation (central – peripheral) --- RHIC-STAR --- |  | selection central peripheral cent - peri HP2013, F. Wang

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 25  correlation (central – peripheral) --- RHIC-STAR --- HP2013, F. Wang

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 26 RHIC-PHENIX Large  correlation (1) central-forward HP2013, S. Huang

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 27 RHIC-PHENIX Large  correlation (2) central-backward HP2013, S. Huang

 C(  ) Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 28 RHIC-PHENIX Large  correlation (3) forward-backward HP2013, S. Huang

d + Au 0–5% p + p p T bin Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 29 p T dependence of central-backward correlation in d+Au and p+p collisions at 200GeV HP2013, S. Huang

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 30 v 2 measured w.r.t. forward  E.P. in d+Au 200GeV comparison to v 2 {2PC} comparison to LHC p+Pb HP2013, S. Huang p+Pb d+Au  

PLB 726 (2013) Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 31 v 2 of identified particles in p+Pb and d+Au HP2013, S. Huang

Heavy Ion Pub, 12/Apr/2014, Tokyo ShinIchi Esumi, Univ. of Tsukuba 32 Summary Multiplicity, spetcra, R pA and jets Ridge-like correlation and flow