1 Chapter 3 Substitution Patterns 暨南大學資訊工程學系 黃光璿 (HUANG, Guan-Shieng) 2004/03/22
2 Topic We discuss molecular evolution in this lecture. This phenomenon happens at the DNA level.
3 3.1 Patterns of Substitutions within Genes “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” Most genes are very close to optimal in its typical environment. Mutations disadvantageous (有害的) advantageous (有益的) neutral (中性的)
Mutation Rates
Functional Constraint Natural selection (天擇) Functional constraint catalytic ( 催化的 ) or structural properties tend to accumulate changes very slowly Table 3.1 (Shamir 7, p 13)
6 Prokaryotic Gene
Synonymous v.s. Nonsynonymous Substitutions synonymous (同義的) Synonymous substitution 改變 codon 但不改變所生成的胺基酸 GGG, GGA, GGU, GGC glycine Nonsynonymous substitution 換過之後會改變所生成的胺基酸
9 Exercise: Compute the number of synonymous substitutions and the number of nonsynonymous substitutions from the standard genetic code.
10 Classification of Nonsynonymous substitutions nondegenerate sites ( ) UUU (phe) CUU (leu), AUU (iso), GUU (val) twofold degenerate sites (2+2) GAU, GAC (asp) GAA, GAG (glu) fourfold degenerate sites (4) GGG, GGA, GGU, GGC (gly)
11 Why not consider the other cases? (3+1) AUU, AUC, AUA (ile) AUG (met) (2+1+1) UUG, CUG (leu) AUG (met), GUG (val) 4 = = = 2+2 = 3+1
Substitutions v.s. Mutations mutation: DNA 發生改變 substitution: mutations that have passed through the filter of natural selection K s : synonymous substitution rate ~mutation rate K a : nonsynonymous substitution rate
Fixation -- the state that gene pool reaches stable deterious mutation 0 advantageous mutation 1 neutral
16 the cause of genetic differences mutation random genetic drift saturation mutagenesis: make all possible changes to the nucleotide sequence of a gene to determine the effect
Estimating Substitution Numbers Alignments with many differences might cause a significant underestimation
Jukes-Cantor Model (1969)
Kimura ’ s Two Parameter Model 1980 transitions & transversions transition (A G, T C) : α transversion ( 差異大 ) : β
Models with Even More Parameters 12 (=4x3)parameters 反而變糟了!因為需要更多的假設.
Substitutions Between Protein Sequences More complicated! PAM & BLOSUM matrices
Variations in Evolutionary Rates Between Genes mutation rate natural selection cause the difference k s >> k a 合理 k s << k a (why?) Natural selection favors variability in this case!
Molecular Clocks E. Zuckerkandl & L. Pauling, 1960s Substitution rates were so constant within homologous proteins It is still a controversial issue.
Relative Rate Test Sarich & Wilson, 1973 the idea of outgroup Molecular clock hypothesis implies that d A1 =d A2.
Causes of Rate Variation in Lineages ( 世系 ) generation times 人 30 年 environment ( 環境 )
Evolution in Organelles ( 胞器 ) mitochondrial ( 粒線體 ) DNA 只從母親來, 在人類約有 bps. mutate in 10 times chloroplastic ( 葉綠體 ) DNA ~ to
29 參考資料及圖片出處 1. Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics Dan E. Krane and Michael L. Raymer, Benjamin/Cummings, Fundamental Concepts of Bioinformatics