By: Jacqueline Davies Katelyn Collins
Jessie Evan Jessie is supposed to be going to Second grade but she skipped a grade because she a smart enough for third grade and now she is going to be in third grade with her brother Evan is a annoyed third grader trying to have his sister leave him alone because he is embarrased over her being in the same grade as him
This is the neighborhood that Evan and Jessie live in and start there lemonade contest.
EvanJessie Evan is Static becauseJessie is dynamic He does not change because she Throughout the whole changes about Story.How people think about her.
The conflict about the story is when jessie announces that they should have a war, whoever gets more than $100 wins or if that person has the most money then they win.
My prediction about the story is that I predicted that Jessie was going to win because she has the brains, like she’s smart and knows how to do the profits of how much she’ll get for the lemonade.
At the end it was a tie and Jessie and Evan got along and said there sorry to each other and said this was a stupid thing they started, also before it ended it had a “not finished book, like there is another or will be another lemonade war.”