Evan Bieske School of Chemistry University of Melbourne Assessing journals for inclusion into Scopus
Suggesting a journal for inclusion in Scopus
Technical Requirements English language abstracts Peer review Regular publication schedule Registered ISSN References in Roman script
Criteria Journal policy Subject area, Regional Focus Quality of content (sample articles) Academic content, Production quality, Language & Grammar Citedness journal, editors Regularity Online availability Homepage
Journal Goal What is the Journal trying to achieve? Present new and important research Address a neglected research area Publish papers that may not be accepted into existing journals Serve as a vehicle for institutional, national or personal pride Make money
Reviewing Journals for Scopus
Journal Policy
Journal Policy
Content quality
Online availability and quality
Case Study 1 Small journal from Asia International subject (technology) Fair homepage Good production values Regular publication Few articles each year (~10/yr) Small publisher Only published for 2 years Fair academic quality Most articles are authored by the editors
Case Study 1 Small journal from Asia Feedback – Why was the journal rejected Can reapply after 1, 2, 3 years
Case Study 2 Philippine Journal of Science
Philippine Journal of Science International subject (science & technology) Long History (since 1906) Very good homepage Good production values Regular publication articles each year (~10/yr) Good academic quality Editorial and author diversity
Summary There are no hard rules for deciding whether a journal should be included. Important indicators are: achieves primary goal of presenting high quality research satisfies technical aspects (english abstract, Roman refs. etc.) journal policy (editorial board, peer review etc.) citedness Regularity online availability longevity