By Evan and Jacob © Evan and Jacob inc.
Alpine Life zone 11,500 feet above sea level Continental divide East Subalpine 10,500-11,500 feet above sea level West Montane life zone 8, ,500 feet above sea level Foot hills life zone – 8,000 feet above sea level Plains life zone Below feet Alpine Life zone 11,500 feet above sea level Alpine Life zone 11,500 feet above sea level
In the alpine life zone, there are no trees growing because of the timberline. The timberline is a line that separates the trees from the alpine from subalpine. The alpine life zone is known as “Arctic life zone”. As you know, no trees grow but flowers do. Alpine spring Alpine winter Alpine summer Alpine fall
Now the animals here in this zone have some amazing features. These survivors are, the Ptarmigan, Mountain sheep, Pika (or cony), Marmot, Snowshoe rabbit, Mountain Goat, And Bighorn sheep. Alpine mountain goat Alpine sheep Alpine Ptarmigan Alpine pica
Now as I said, no trees grow here but plants do. Be careful because these plants are easily destroyed. These plants are, Moses, Lichens, Arctic Willow, Herbs, and grasses grow in this zone. Alpine Moses Alpine Lichen Alpine herbs Alpine Grasses Alpine arctic willow
Just like in the alpine the flowers have to be strong to survive the harsh weather. These flowers are, root crowns, Glacier lily, Fringed gentian, and Mountain Marsh Marigold. The trees are not tall but they’re trees, and these trees are, Root crowns Fringed gentian Glacier lily Balsam fir
Many animals live here like Bears, Cougars, Chipmunks, Squirrels, Woodchucks, Weasels, Elk, Deer, Mountain Lions, Snowshoe rabbits and Beavers live here. Mountain Lion Squirrels Snowshoe rabbit
The city in the Montane is Vail,trees grow here in this climate. The Montane is fifteen degrees cooler then Plains and is eight degrees cooler than foothills. This life zone is full of life. This zone has lots of life living such as insects, mammals, and birds. Montane spring Montane summer Montane fall Montane winter
The flowers that are here are columbine, Indian paintbrush, fireweed, wild rose, asters, purple fringe, brown-eyed susans, wood lily, yellow lady’s slipper, and shooting star are the flowers. Aspen Logepole pine Montane Willow Douglas fir
Elk, beavers, chipmunks,throats, squirrels, bears, mountain lions, mule deer, mountain jays, stellar jays, pewees, thrushes, sapsuckers, warblers, Clark's nutcrackers, woodpeckers, whitefish, rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, German brown trout and brook trout live here. Elk Squirrels Beavers
The foothills life zone is Foothills spring Foothills summer Foothills fall Foothills winter
Lots of plants live here I will tell you about the plants. The trees that live here are yellow pine, scrub oak, cottonwoods, mountain maple, Douglas fir, alpine birch, blue spruce, greasewood, aspen, ponderosa pine, gambel oak, mountain mahogany. juniper, pinon pine sagebrush. The flowers that are here are the lark spur, grizzly bear cactus, yellow evening promise, and Indian paint brush, Scrub Oak Grizzly bear cactus Gamble Oak Yellow Evening Primrose
Animals ion this zone are Deer, Bobcats, and Mountain lions. The sage goose is a bird in this zone. Golden Eagle is a common bird in this zone. Other birds are humming birds, jays, woodpeckers, magpies, wrens, chickadees and, bluebirds.
Alpine mountain goat =1&hl=en&saf Alpine spring nes_ Alpine winter Alpine summer lpine_Mammals.html Alpine fall Alpine sheep Alpine Ptarmigan lpine_Birds.html
Alpine pica alpine-zone/ Alpine Moses Alpine Lichen Alpine herbs green-alpine-lake-moserboden-in-background-kaprun-austria.html Alpine Grasses Alpine arctic willow Subalpine summer ubalpine.htm Subalpine winter
Subalpine fall Subalpine spring Root crown Glacier lily Balsam fir Mountain lion Squirrels Snowshoe rabbit
Montane spring Montane summer ne_summer.jpg Montane fall Montane winter Montane Aspen Logepole pine dgepole_pine.jpg Montane Willow uniper_foothills.JPG fir.jpg Douglas fir Elk
Squirrels Beavers Foothills spring Foothills summer Foothills fall Foothills winter Yellow pine Bear cactus Greasewood
Yellow evening primrose