Marissa and Kayla
Setting Time: morning in February Place:on a farm
Characters Grandfather-Secretive Little Willy-Brave I was worried when I heard from Doc.
Summary Grandfather was sick and would not get out of bed. Little Willy took over the farm and when he heard from Doc Smith, then he worked even harder.Doc Smith told Little Willy that Grandfather was going to die.
Drew & Brian
Setting At a farm, plowing potatoes,in the fall
Character Grandpa - Friendly Little Willy - determined
Summary Little Willy had problems plowing. He had Searchlight pull the plow, and Searchlight loved pulling the plow. Then Little Willy sold the potatoes.
Setting Wyoming on a farm in Winter
Characters Little Willy/determined Searchlight/determined
Summary Little Willy ran Grandfather’s errands because he was sick. Everyday Little Willy and Searchlight went racing home when the town clock struck six o’clock.
Tanner & Johnny
Setting By the front door of the house
Characters Clifford Snyder- strict. Little Willy-confused Grandpa-secretive
Summary In chapter 4 Little Willy learned that they owed $500. Little Willy and Grandfather met Clifford Snyder the tax man. Little Willy learned that the pieces of paper in the box under the floor was the taxes. Little Willy was scared they would take the farm away.
Hunter & Ryan.L
Setting One afternoon at Doc Smith’s
Character Little Willy- determinedDoc Smith-caringMr.. Foster
Summary Little Willy had to find away to get $500 to pay off Grandfather’s taxes. Little Willy found a poster for a sled dog race and the winning money was $500. Little Willy decided to enter the race.
Evan & Connor
Setting the mayors office I want to enter the race.
Characters Little Willy- confident Mayor Smiley-cautious Mr. Foster-nervous Shearchlight-energetic
Summary Little Willy went downtown in Jackson. He went to the mayor’s office to sign up for the big race that Stone Fox had entered. Then he had to get $50 so he went to the bank to get his $50 for the entry fee.
Ryan K. Jeremy
Setting The night before the race in February.
Characters Stone Fox-cold-hearted Little Willy-determined
Summary Stone Fox came to town. He signed up for the race. He put his dogs in the deserted barn. He punched Little Willy for trespassing.
Setting One morning in February
Characters Little Willy-persistent Stone Fox-friendly Searchlight-helpful
Summary Everybody is so excited about the race, and they can’t wait for it to start. When it started, Little Willy had a swollen shut eye, and he could hardly see. When the race was almost done, Searchlight died. They fell, and Stone Fox came and helped them win.
Miguel and Emma
Setting In February at 10:10 A.M. Saturday on race track
Characters Little Willy-determined Stone Fox-caring Searchlight-brave
Summary In this chapter Little Willy and Searchlight were in the race, and they were winning. Then Stone Fox started catching up.
Setting Sled race in February
Characters Stone Fox- Compassionate Little Willy- Persistent Searchlight- Determined
Summary In chapter 10 Searchlight dies and Little Willy is sad. Stone Fox feels sorry for Little Willy and lets him win. Stone Fox is very compassionate.