Weblogs Opportunities for Special Libraries Darlene Fichter University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK June 17, 2004
Overview What are blogs? How you can use them? Focus on library, intranet, and employee blogs, not “personal” blogs What features should you look for?
What is it? Blog/ Weblog is A web page containing brief entries arranged chronologically Can be a a journal or diary, ‘What’s New’ page or links to other web sites “To me, the blog concept is about three things: Frequency, Brevity, and Personality.” Evan Williams (creator of Blogger)
Terminology Blogger – person who maintains a blog Blogging – the act of creating a blog Blogrolling – moving form blog to blog Blogrolodex – a listing of other blogs Blawgs, Klogs, Trackback, Ping, Permalink, Blogarrhea…
Blogging explosion Tools that made it easy to publish No need to know HTML No need to know FTP Add / edit content anywhere, anytime Dozens of features – dynamic, quick and easy to develop Millions?? worldwide Can you guess what South American country is a hotbed for blogs?
Blogs and RSS are in the limelight Lots of media hype Google bought Blogger Blogging conferences Tracks at law and library conferences
Blogger.com 1. Login in to an account on 2. Create a new entry. 3. “Post and publish” 4. Display the entries in a “news” column on a subject directory
Live Demo Create a new blog Name it Choose a design template Post an entry
Exploring weblog features Let’s take a look beSpacific.com Accurate, focused law and technology news By Sabrina Pacifici
Permanent Link
Other features Draft mode Off line editing Spellchecking Timed release Long entries Comments Multiple blogs Track back Toolbar or bookmarklet Integrated news reader
10 ways libraries use blogs 1. News Recommend internet sites & tools
Promote it! 2. Marketing Promote library events and programs Promote new materials New Books New Videos Let visitors subscribe via Distribute headlines (RSS) My Pick: Announce movies, link to trailers, reviews
Get interactive 3. Talk back Books you like Let users post reviews and comments Library consortia collaborative space
Staff 4. Communication & Collaboration Staff development Fact sheets on new electronic resources Reference desk binder? Database Trials and comments Database of login info
Share knowledge - KM Best practices – “know-how” Use for a committee, enable the “comment feature” Presentation Blogging for Knowledge ExchangeBlogging for Knowledge Exchange
IT and budget crunch? 6. Automate web drudgery Web site links Track web site links under review for adding to catalog or best sites Tips: Enable the comment button. Choose a blog that archives by “topic” and use it for your links Digital document repository
10 ways … 7. Professional / personal development Reflective nature, adds focus 8. Résumé Professional blog Write about your interests and what you find interesting
Reveal your expertise
Solve overload 9. Kill Inbox Glut with Blogs and RSS Project Tracking and Management Provides a record in one place for a team of decisions, next steps Points for discussion or comment Episodic information New Books Acquisition spending reports
Syndicate your content: RSS 10. Use a blog to maintain your what’s new page, then syndicate your content with RSS to the portal
Corporate Libraries: Special Considerations Inside the firewall Local installation (link in resources handout to comparison of programs) Sharing with some employees outside the main office/firewall Look for blog posting via Look for notification Usually will travel in/out Hosting blogging applications do have “private” options” Is this enough?
Hosted vs. Installed Blog Software Hosted Be sure to choose a “free” service where you can FTP your files locally, OR export them Avoid loosing your files when free service closes More advice on choosing: Blogging Software for Intranet Applications. ONLINE, January 2003
Comparison Chart of Installed Software breakdown.htm breakdown.htm
Finding out more Weblogs Compendium Library Weblogs Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library's Services, Marketing Library Services, Nov/Dec 2003 [full text online]full text online
Thank you! Darlene Fichter University of Saskatchewan Library d d