Pyramid Model Training Series Session 8 How will my needs be met? Creating effective Behavior Intervention Plans 1/2012
The Pyramid Model to Support Social Emotional Competence Few children Children at-risk All Children You Are Here 8.0 – IOP 1.1 – Pyramid Model 8.0 – IOP 1.1 – Pyramid Model
Session 8 Objectives: Understand the vital role of the function of problem behavior in addressing challenging behavior Understand the process of designing interventions to address the function of challenging behavior
Inventory of Practices: Activity At your tables: *Complete page 1 of your packet: Inventory of Practices. Note your current level of performance in regards to the 3 skills. *Discuss with your tablemates: what is your current process (at school, HS, 0-3, etc.) when dealing with a child who has a persistent challenging behavior? What is working well? What needs improvement?
For children who have very persistent and severe challenging behavior. These children do not respond to the typical preventive practices, child guidance procedures, or social emotional teaching strategies that would normally work with most children. Who needs Intensive Interventions?
Defining Challenging Behavior What it is… Any repeated pattern of behavior that interferes with learning or activities Behaviors that are not responsive to the use of developmentally appropriate guidance procedures. What it looks like… Prolonged tantrums, Physical and verbal aggression Disruptive vocal and motor behavior Property destruction Self-injury Noncompliance Withdrawal.
Positive Behavior Support Determining the function of challenging behavior so that we can: Prevent the behavior Teach new skills Respond effectively
Video: Meet Brendan Before intervention
Video: Meet Brendan After intervention
Why Children Engage In Challenging Behavior Challenging behavior communicates Used instead of language by a child who has limited social or communication skills Challenging behavior works Challenging behavior results in the child gaining access to something or someone or avoiding something or someone
Dimensions of Communication Every communicative behavior can be described by the form and function. Form: the behavior used to communicate. Function: the reason or purpose of the communicative behavior.
Functions of Communication Obtain/Gain/Request: An object, activity or person Help or information Social interaction Sensory stimulation Avoid/Escape: A demand, activity or person Sensory stimulation Social interaction Functions of Behavior
Identifying Form & Function of Behavior Before we can change the behavior, we need to determine what the child is attempting to communicate. This is the function of the behavior. The function for the behavior is not always obvious so we need to look at the big picture.
Problem solving takes a team Remember your Hot Buttons? Challenging behavior often happens in multiple environments Successful environments can inform solutions How do you include parents in the team? 8.1 – Talking to Parents
How to develop a plan 1. Detect the behavior equation 2. Determine the function of behavior 3. Develop prevention strategies 4. Decide on replacement skills 5. Commit to new responses 6. Implement the plan and review. 8.2 – Behavior Support Plan
Behavior Equation TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Joey is asked to come to circle. Teacher provides physical prompt to move him to group. Joey resists, cries, and hits teacher. Teacher leaves and allows him to select a different activity. Trigger – what happens just prior to behavior Behavior – what the child does Maintaining Consequence – what happens after the behavior
Setting Event Sometimes, behaviors are influenced by an event that occurs before the trigger. “Setting Events” increase the likelihood the child will engage in challenging behavior.
Quan wants a turn on the computer Function: Obtain a Turn TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Quan goes to the computer; another child is using the computer. Quan moves his picture to indicate that he is next. Quan waits for his turn. Child leaves computer and Quan sits down and begins working.
Quan wants a turn on the computer Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Quan goes to the computer; another child is using the computer. Quan hits the child and pushes him out of the chair. Child leaves computer and Quan sits down and begins working. Quan was up most the night with an asthma attack. He arrives at school looking sleepy and with dark circles under his eyes. Function: Obtain a Turn
Activity: Case Studies Let’s figure out some equations together!!
Evan The adult is reading a story about butterflies to the group after transitioning from outside play. Evan is sitting in the back of the group. He begins tickling the children in front and on the side of him. The children begin giggling and tickling him back. The teacher stops reading the story to tell Evan to stop tickling others.
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Evan’s Behavior Equation Function: Obtain Peer Attention Teacher is reading a story to the group Evan is sitting at the back of the group Tickling (distracting) the children next to him. Peers laugh and engage in tickling Teacher stops reading story Quiet activity immediately after active activity Not interested in the story??
Shana Shana is seated in her high chair. The adult puts a cutout of a snowman and a dollop of white paint mixed with oatmeal on her tray. The adult takes Shanna’s hand and places it in the paint. Shana begins screaming, pulling away and banging her head on the back of the seat. The adult says “Fine, I guess you won’t get to make a snowman” and takes Shanna to the sink to clean up.
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Function: Avoid sensory Shana’s Behavior Equation Adult puts her hand into the paint/oatmeal mix Screams, pulls away and bangs head. Adult ends activity and cleans her up Used to eating when in the high chair
Gabriella Gabriella is playing with toys. The adult says, “It’s time to clean up Gabriella. Time to go use the bathroom.” The adult pulls on her arm to try to get Gabriella to stand and line up. Gabriella yells, screams, and begins kicking at her toys. The adult says, “OK, you can use the bathroom with the next group. In 5 more minutes, I’ll come and get you. The adult walks away, and Gabriella continues playing with her toys.
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Function: Escapes Transition Gabriella’s Behavior Equation Playing in room, time to leave play and go use the bathroom. Adults pulls on arm to get to stand. Yells, screams, kicks at toys. Adult gives her 5 more minutes of play time.
Terrance Terrance is riding a trike on the playground bike path. A child moves to the sandbox where Terrance had just finished building a road-way. He leaps off his trike and tackles the child, hitting and kicking. A teacher comes; she comforts the child and scolds Terrance. Terrance goes to the sandbox and continues construction on his road-way.
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Terrance’s Behavior Equation Function: Obtain Activity A child moves to the sandbox where Terrance has just built something. Tackles and hits child. Adult scolds Terrance; comforts other child. Terrance continues road- way.
Madison The adult announces it’s time to go inside. Many children run to line up at the gate. Madison runs and hides behind a piece of playground equipment. When an adult goes over to tell her to line up, she runs around the equipment, laughing at the adult. The adult moves around the equipment, “catches” her (saying “I gotcha!) and carries her to the line. Madison laughs gleefully while the adult firmly tells Madison that she has to line up on her own next time.
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Madison’s Behavior Equation Function: Get adult attention? Avoid going inside Adult announces that it’s time to clean up. Adult goes over to tell her individually to line up. Madison hides behind equipment, and runs to avoid the adult. She laughs when the adult picks her up. Adult says “I gotcha”, carries her to the line, while telling her that she has to line up on her own next time.
Let’s explore some data collection tools General Behavior Incident Report (BIR) Observation Card Home Observation Form 8.3 – BIR Instruction8.3 – BIR Instructions 8.4 – BIR 8.5 – Observation Cards 8.6 – Home Observation Cards 8.3 – BIR Instruction8.3 – BIR Instructions 8.4 – BIR 8.5 – Observation Cards 8.6 – Home Observation Cards
Activity: Trying out the General Data Collection Tools Pick the form you think would work best for you and try it out. We will watch video clips of Tim and Ryan engaging in challenging behaviors. While you observe their behaviors complete the Observation Form. Share your observations with the group to form a behavior equation.
Video: Observation #1
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Observation #1 Function: Obtain Social Interaction Playing alone in block play. Goes over to a group of children playing. Sticks out tongue and makes raspberry sound, hits boy, scratches his shoulder. Boy yells at him, friend brings him a lizard, boy yells to teacher.
Video: Observation #2
Setting Event TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence Observation #2 Function: Obtain Toy Playground play with 2 friends. Girl goes to basket and gets truck just like the other friend’s truck. He tries to take her truck, shoves, pushes, and continues tugging for toy. Gets toy for a second, continues to fight girl for toy, teacher reprimands and carries him away.
Review Data Once observational and interview data has been collected, it is time to review what you’ve learned together At this step, a behavior hypothesis starts to develop.
Developing a plan 1. Detect the behavior equation 2. Determine the function of behavior 3. Develop prevention strategies 4. Decide on replacement skills 5. Commit to new responses 6. Implement the plan and review.
Step Two Make your *Behavior Hypothesis as a team about the function of the challenging behavior. *Behavior Hypothesis = Your best educated guess
Not Sure About the Function? Ask yourself: What would make the challenging behavior stop? Is it something you would provide or allow the child to access? (function is to obtain) Or is there something to remove? (function is to avoid) Or can you allow the child to leave? (function is to avoid) If still unsure, collect more data in the same context. Some challenging behavior may have the same form but serve multiple functions. Some challenging behaviors may begin around one function (e.g., escape) and continue to serve another function (e.g., gain attention).
Brendan’s Behavior Equation TRIGGERBEHAVIOR MAINTAINING CONSEQUENCES Function:. Escape the transition or delaying “going somewhere When someone places a demand to go somewhere Brendan is likely to tantrum (prolonged whining, crying, screaming, and dropping to the ground) and then sometimes throwing an object He is sometimes allowed to continue playing or the transition of going somewhere is prolonged 8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Chart
Once we know the function and agree on the hypothesis, we can come up with a plan!
Activity: Determining the function Which one of our earlier examples sounds like a behavior that you are managing currently? Read your case study behavior equation and write in the function of the behavior.
Developing a plan 1. Detect the behavior equation 2. Determine the function of behavior 3. Develop prevention strategies 4. Decide on replacement skills 5. Commit to new responses 6. Implement the plan and review.
Step Three The team brainstorms Prevention Strategies Strategies to make routines or activities easier for the child Strategies to soften the triggers 45
How can the environment be changed to reduce the likelihood that challenging behavior will occur? What preventions can I select that fit in the natural routines and structure of the group situation or family? What can be done to help the child not respond to the trigger or change the trigger so it does not cause challenging behavior? What preventions should we select?
TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence When someone places a demand to go somewhere tantrum (prolonged whining, crying, screaming, and dropping to the ground); sometimes throwing an object He is sometimes allowed to continue playing or the transition of going somewhere is prolonged PreventionsNew SkillsNew Responses Predictable visual schedules to inform him of changes in routine and choices he may make On-the-Go Book (scripted story) that explains the events and expectations for the trip to the library Caregivers will give warnings of transitions by using their fingers to count down. Use simple language to tell Brendan what is happening. To Challenging Behavior: Use of New Skill: Function: Escape the transition or delaying “going somewhere 8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Char8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Chart 8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Char8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Chart
Developing a plan 1.Detect the behavior equation 2.Determine the function of behavior 3.Develop prevention strategies 4.Decide on replacement skills 5.Commit to new responses 6.Implement the plan and review.
Step Four Brainstorm ideas about what Replacement Skills should be taught to replace challenging behavior. The replacement skills help the child to meet the function in a “better” way. Think about what skills the child already has Think about what skills can use scaffolding
Child told peer gets a turn. Child yells, kicks, throws. Adult gives child another turn. Child asks for one more turn. Adult says “one more turn, then (peer’s name)’s turn” and gives turn. Replacement behaviors meet the function
Child asked to join circle. Child screams and resists. Teacher lets child out of activity. Child gestures “all done.” Teacher lets child out of activity. Activity: Competing Behavior Equation
TriggerBehavior Maintaining Consequence When someone places a demand to go somewhere tantrum (prolonged whining, crying, screaming, and dropping to the ground); sometimes throwing an object He is sometimes allowed to continue playing or the transition of going somewhere is prolonged PreventionsNew SkillsNew Responses Predictable visual schedules to inform him of changes in routine and choices he may make On-the-Go Book (scripted story) that explains the events and expectations for the trip to the library Caregivers will give warnings of transitions by using their fingers to count down. Use simple language to tell Brendan what is happening. say “I don’t want to” or “I’m all done” or “I want to go” to express protest, terminate an activity, or escape. “wait” by following a visual cue of a timer or time cueing him verbally and gesturally (“3 more minutes, 2 more minutes, 1 more minute.”) occupy himself with items in a hobby box or “to-go bag”. To Challenging Behavior: Use of New Skill: Function: Escape the transition or delaying “going somewhere 8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Chart 8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Chart
Developing a plan 1. Detect the behavior equation 2. Determine the function of behavior 3. Develop prevention strategies 4. Decide on replacement skills 5. Commit to new responses 6. Implement the plan and review.
Step Five Brainstorm ideas about how to Respond to challenging behavior when it occurs. Consider current demands on teachers Keep responses easy to use/remember
To respond to new skills? In response to challenging behavior? Planning for time and attention Descriptive feedback Quiet areas Giving choices Redirecting children Using visuals Designing engaging activities Do you remember?
TriggerBehaviorMaintaining Consequence When someone places a demand to go somewhere tantrum (prolonged whining, crying, screaming, and dropping to the ground); sometimes throwing an object He is sometimes allowed to continue playing or the transition of going somewhere is prolonged PreventionsNew SkillsNew Responses Predictable visual schedules to inform him of changes in routine and choices he may make On-the-Go Book (scripted story) that explains the events and expectations for the trip to the library Caregivers will give warnings of transitions by using their fingers to count down. Use simple language to tell Brendan what is happening. say “I don’t want to” or “I’m all done” or “I want to go” to express protest, terminate an activity, or escape. “wait” by following a visual cue of a timer or time cueing him verbally and gesturally (“3 more minutes, 2 more minutes, 1 more minute.”) occupy himself with items in a hobby box or “to-go bag”. To Challenging Behavior: give clear directions in a“first/then” and visual format. give him a choice to do the activity on his own or with help. say, “I’ll help you”, and then help him. Use of New Skill: Access to preferred activities (the bead game) after engaging in non-preferred activities. Adult attention when engaged in the non-preferred activity. Descriptive feedback for staying with the adult, waiting and looking at visual cues. Function: Escape the transition or delaying “going somewhere 8.7– Brendan’s Support Planning Chart
Developing a plan 1. Detect the behavior equation 2. Determine the function of behavior 3. Develop prevention strategies 4. Decide on replacement skills 5. Commit to new responses 6. Implement the plan and review.
Step Six Review plan ideas; eliminate pieces that don’t fit or are too difficult for team to do. Review entire plan; emphasize that each column is necessary. Repeat process for other routines, settings, or behavior functions.
Activity: Design a Behavior Support Plan 1.Develop preventions 2.Identify new skills to teach 3.Plan for new responses 4.Use the hints at the bottom! Evan Shana Gabriella Terrance Madison Use the Routine Based Support Guide and the Family Routine Guide to: In your case study groups: 8.8– Family Routine Guide or Routine Based Support GuideFamily Routine GuideRoutine Based Support Guide 8.8– Family Routine Guide or Routine Based Support GuideFamily Routine GuideRoutine Based Support Guide
Who are the partners that can help you create behavior support plans?
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