Statewide Team K-12 Liaison Nancy Movall Support Shelley Christensen Project Management Evan Abbey Instructional Designers Dr. Peggy Steinbronn Rob Brookhart Deborah Humpal Marv Howard (Online Trainings)
Our First Year 5/ Courses, 3072 Participants
Goals for Expand and diversify our current course offerings 2.Implement quality assurance procedures 3.Determine and foster relationship to other groups and initiatives in Iowa 4.Continue implementing systemic plan of marketing and communication 5.Monitor and manage the system to assure productivity and sustainability
Targeted Areas: New RTI PBIS Communities of Practice Para-Educators Conceptual-Based Learning 5-8 Trainings with HR Directors Continue Instructional Coaching Cyberbullying/Dig. Citizenship Iowa Core Investigations Child Find/SPED Procedures Manual Diversity/Cultural Competence
Where teaching and instruction takes place over the internet, that is outside of the walls or the set hours of the traditional classroom. It is different than digital learning, or “e-learning”, where the internet is used as a resource or a place for learning, but with a face-to-face teacher presence in the traditional classroom. Online learning…
Four Services 1. High-quality free online content 2. Professional development for online teaching 3. Infrastructure and technology support 4. Vision and leadership consultation
Community of Practice
Core - Steering Committee Contributors Collaborators Crowd (Lurkers)
Goals for October Mtg Set up a structure for their regular (monthly) meetings Determine immediate and long term content needs Determine immediate and long term professional development needs Establish a protocol or workflow for people to join and “ramp up” in CoPI Finalize a virtual site for the community on our statewide Moodle system Establish who will serve in vetting content, updating content, developing content, and delivering professional development