Evan Lu 2 Morgan
Eagles weigh 4 to 15 pounds Eagles have curved beaks Eagles have strong sharp talons Eagles have brown, black and white feathers An eagle flying
Eagles live all over the world such as deserts, woodlands, and rainforests Eagles do not live in cold places Eagles build nests in trees Eagle nest
Eagles eat fish, squirrels, and other small animals Eagles use their strong talons to grab prey Eagles use their sharp beaks to tear into meat Eagle hunting salmon
Female Eagles lay 1 to 5 eggs Eaglets hatch 6 weeks later Eagles leave the nest when they are 2 weeks old Eagles live 20 to 40 years in the wild Sizes of eggs
The Bald Eagle is a symbol of the United States Bald Eagles are not bald Hollow bones help eagles fly Eagles have white feathers on their head Eagle beaks are white The Bald Eagle
Eagles.” PebbleGo. April 10, pgo_player.php pgo_player.php