TABLE11-1 Summary of full-scale stabilizationsites
FIGURE 11-2 Typical waste solidification project.
FIGURE 11-3 Organic waste encapsulated in binder matrix.
FIGURE 11-4 Organic waste adsorbed to an organophilic clay
FIGURE 11-5 Portland cement reactions.
FIGURE 11-6 Schematic representation of cement hydration.
FIGURE 11-7 Montmorillonitic clay structure.
FIGURE 11-8 Organically modified clay structure.
FIGURE 11-9 Stabilization effectiveness of organically modified clay. Claytone 40 is an organically modified clay from Southern Clay Products Inc. Bentonite and attapulgite are processed, naturally occurring clays. Mix 30 has a larger bentonite content than mix 17.
FIGURE Effect of organically modified clay. PT-1 and P40 are organically modified clay from Bentec Inc.
FIGURE Effect of quaternary amine on organophilic clay.
FIGURE In situ vitrification.
FIGURE GeoMelt/SV system schematic.
FIGURE Pocket penetrometer evaluating a stabilized waste.
FIGURE Unconfined compression strength test.
FIGURE Unconfined compression and organic waste stabilization.
FIGURE Consolidation test schematic.
FIGURE Idealized consolidation behavior.
FIGURE Consolidation test results.
FIGURE Triaxial permeability test schematic (modified from Evans and Fang, 1988).
FIGURE Triaxial permeability test results.
FIGURE In situ mixing process with modified augers.
FIGURE Schematic of an in situ mixing process with modified augers.
FIGURE Typical jet grouting systems.
FIGURE Remote process batch mixing.
FIGURE Layout of jet grout columns.