1st grade Textured Fish The OBJECTIVES are to: Understand how roll clay into a slab and a coil. Create a composition demonstrating foreground, middleground and background. Learn that scale often correlates to the dominance in an image. Understand the difference between actual and simulated texture. Students create a textured pattern fill landscape drawing using rubbing. Materials fish template - about the size of the paper bowl Crayola Model Magic thick magic marker (to roll clay out) small paper bowls small water container (only need a very small amount of water, just enough to wet finger tips) can share a container clay tools (green) plastic baggies (may be in the art room) tissues texture tools ( rubber stamps, buttons glued to corks, plastic forks, straws for holes, buttons for circle impressions, popsicle sticks for scales ) tempera paint cakes brushes gloss varnish (upper corner cabinet) Class Periods - 2 Make sure the students put their name and date on every project!
Making the clay bowl Work directly on the table top. Paper or paper towels will dry out the clay faster. It’s easy clean up. You judge how much clay you think they will need for their fish. For each student: clay, magic marker, fish template, clay tool to cut around template, paper bowl, Step 1. Have the kids stand up (push in their chair) to flatten the clay. Flatten down the clay a bit by using the ball of your hand - then use the magic marker as a rolling pin to flatten a bit more. Clay should be about 1/2” thick. Not too thin! Step 2. Place the fish template on the clay slab. If it doesn’t fit, go around with a rolling pin and roll the clay out a bit to flatten it. Children will trace their fish with their clay tool, pressing hard so they cut through the clay. Smooth the edges of the clay fish with their fingers dipped in water. Ball up the excess clay and place in a baggie (keeps it moist.) Step 3. Recall the lesson on texture. Create the texture on the fish. See the example slides for ideas. Remind them of different types of texture. Use any items you can find to create the textures. Step 4. Putting the fish “down for a nap” - carefully place the clay fish, texture side down, over the paper bowl. Place some balled up tissue on top of the paper bowl so the bowl’s ridge won’t press into the fish body. Gently hug the fish to the bowl. This creates a round bowl shape. Step 4. Make a stand for the bowl. Roll the extra clay (from the baggie) into a coil. Attach to the bottom of the fish bowl in a circle by adding a bit of water to the coil and the bowl where the circle will attach. IMPORTANT - Use the clay tool to blend the coil into the bottom of the bowl. Write names on the bottom. Procedure print this to teach by You are working with air dry clay. It starts drying when you take it out of it’s container. The fish bowl must be completed today.
NEXT CLASS.Paint the fish bowl with tempera cakes. Liquid tempera paints are thick and may end up filling in the texture. To create a more “pottery glazed” look, finish with a coat of “gloss” varnish. It adds a nice shine! Procedure print this to teach by
Create texture!
roll a coil attach to bottom of fish bowl blend into the bowl with clay tool
vocabulary texture - An element of art, texture is the surface "feel" of an object, its smoothness, roughness, softness, etc. Textures may be actual or simulated.element of artsurfaceobject simulated slab construction - A pottery technique in which a form is built from thick sheets of damp clay.potterytechniqueformclay coil construction - long, snake-like ropes of clay