Clay Pinch Pots 3 rd Grade Art Assistive Technology Final Vanessa Telischak
Objectives Fundamental SWBAT: Create a pinch pot using clay hand building techniques. Identify the steps used to create a clay pinch pot. Standard SWBAT: Create a pinch pot and add texture using tools. Attach two pieces of clay together using a score and slip technique. Enhanced SWBAT: Create a pinch pot with texture and one or more attachments Employ a second hand building technique (slab) to create a lid for their pinch pot
Principles of Universal Instructional Design Equitable Use Flexibility in Use Simple and Intuitive Perceptible Information Low Physical Effort Size and Space for approach Tolerance for Error
Activities Fundamental Create a basic pinch pot using a clay hand building technique Smooth sides of pinch pot Standard Create a pinch pot with texture Add a clay attachment using a score and slip technique Technology Video played on Smart Board to demonstrate step-by-step directions Smart Board used to display step-by-step written directions
Adapted Materials Visual Video demonstrating each step of the project Posters with pictures accompanied by simple typed directions under each image Auditory Oral class discussion for verbal student replies Teacher feedback after each step Kinesthetic Hand-on clay activity with assistive clay tools Movement around the room
Strategies for Autism Directions are broken down into logical and sequential steps Video of teacher demonstration Display step-by-step directions on Smart Board Paper directions also available Posters with pinch pot directions and pictures are displayed in the art room Students are grouped in groups of 4 and are encouraged to help one another throughout the process
Strategies for LD Students Multi-sensory demonstration is used as an instructional tool to enhance comprehension and retention Direction handout sheets used as progress checklist Relate the new learning to student’s prior knowledge and experiences I.e. Students can create a pinch pot to hold their things in or create a mug to drink out of (student motivator)
Strategies for ED/BD Students Create a welcome and safe environment for all students to feel comfortable in Work together with the student’s family members and other school professionals to meet the student’s individual needs Provide positive verbal reinforcement along with a positive attitude and behavior point system Use auditory strategies, such as speaking slowly, repetition of key information and instructions and
Credits Sousa, David A. How the Special Needs Brain Learns. 2 nd Edition. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press, Sousa, David A. How the Brain Learns. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, Images (Image of students at their desks) (Image of Pinch pot directions) (Image of pinch pot) ( Image of colorful pinch pots)