Calendar of Events Clay County Jane Miller, Retired
Clay County Tennessee Population: 7,895
Dining with Diabetes Dining with Diabetes Chronic Disease Self-Management Chronic Disease Self-Management Gentle Yoga
Dining with Diabetes Dining with Diabetes
Dining with Diabetes
46 persons attended Co-Taught by Certified Trainers: Christina Carr, Jane Miller and 40 of 46 participants are confident they can better manage their diabetes as a result of participating in this program. 45 of 46 participants can choose foods that do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar. 46 of 46 participants plan to regularly check their blood sugar as requested by their doctor. 46 of 46 participants plan to use the Healthy Plate Method. 45 of 46 participants understand proper cooking techniques for such products as artificial sweeteners, reduced fat replacers, and herbs and spices. 45 of 46 participants are choosing foods that do not cause sharp a rise in blood sugar six months after completing the program. 41 of 46 participants are getting necessary health screenings such as eye, foot and dental exams six months after completing the program. 46 of 46 participants are keeping up-to-date with immunizations such as flu and pneumococcal shots six months after completing the program. 35 of 46 participants are preventing or treating other health conditions such as heart and blood vessel problems, kidney disease, nerve damage and foot problems six months after completing the program. 44 of 46 participants are regularly checking their blood sugar six months after completing the program. 43 of 46 participants are using the Healthy Plate Method six months after completing the program. · 45 of 46 participants have reduced their A1c six months after completing the program.
Chronic Disease Self- Management Chronic Disease Self- Management
Chronic Disease Self-Management Chronic Disease Self-Management
Gentle Yoga
The residents of Clay County continue to show dedication and determination to making healthy lifestyle choices. Continuing Programs Include: Walking groups Exercise groups Yoga group Personal exercise Personal walking Support Groups
Clay County, Tennessee Partners: Appalachian Diabetes Control and Translation Project Marshall University University of Tennessee Extension Tennessee Department Health Clay County Family & Community Education Clubs Volunteers Clay County Senior Citizens Cumberland River Hospital Clay County School System Clay County Library Local Churches Macon Bank and Trust Clay County Health Council Care All Management Clay County Chamber of Commerce Cookeville Regional Hospital Upper Cumberland Human Resources Agency City and County Government Wal-Mart Many Others
Clay County Fair Senior Day 2013 Fun Times
Hermitage Springs Day in the Park
Hermitage Springs Day in the Park—Fun times
Shopping Matters
Grant Writing
Clay County Fair Display
President’s Volunteer Service Award Shela Long Dean Walden Jane Miller
Diabetes Education Kitchen Real Picture Unavailable at this time.
Rural Area Medical Coming March 14-15, 2014
Major Accomplishment!!!!! August, 2013— January, 2015
Complete Diabetes Education Room at Clay County Recreational Park Hold community gift shower for Diabetes Education Room To teach Chronic Disease Self-Management To teach Gentle Yoga at Senior Citizens Center Train new Yoga instructors Continue Gentle Yoga at Hermitage Springs Participate in Hermitage Springs Day in the Park Participate in Health Fairs, RAM, TN Kidney Foundation, Second Harvest, etc.
Plan and print new Clay County Diabetes Calendar Partner with old and new partners. Continue Shopping Matters Tours Clay County Eighth Grade BMI Program Any other opportunity to promote Diabetes Education related activities