Expectations Realistic? Are Your....
Are Your Expectations Realistic? Your Place in Life Matt. 7:13-14 obey God Matt. 16:24-26 cost 1 Cor. 10:10 not grumble Expectation: Faithfully serve God!
Are Your Expectations Realistic? Your Service to God Is. 64:8 clay Matt. 25 parable talents 2 Tim. 3:12 persecution Expectation: Appropriate for our day and time, according to your abilities!
Are Your Expectations Realistic? Compared to Others Eph. 3:8 Paul Rom. 12 equal Rom. 12:3-8 different work Expectation: Doing your best, today!
Are Your Expectations Realistic? Church Growth Many things out of our control 1 Cor. 3:6 God, increase 1 Cor. 3:6 we plant, water Heb. 10:24-25 church where people can grow
Are Your Expectations Realistic? Expectations Faithfully serve God! Appropriate for our day and time, according to your abilities! Doing your best, today! Planting and watering, as God gives the incease!