A Crash in the Shed By Geri Murray
The sun is hot. Jan says, “Tim, let’s swim. "No, let's fish," says Tim. “Let's swim and then fish," says Jan..
Jan and Tim have a shelf in the shed. Tim has a ship, a rod, and fish stuff on the shelf. Jan has shells in a glass dish. Jan has to check her shells.
Tim is in a rush. "You can check for shells," says Tim. "I just want to fish!"
Jan steps up. “What is on the shelf? Elf!" In a flash, Elf jumps.
Crash! The dish slips and the shells crash. Tim gets a scratch on his shin. Jan is sad. She has no shells. Tim's cut is not bad. "Let's get fresh shells, then let’s fish," says Tim. “As you wish!” says Jan.
Jan gets the shells and Tim gets the fish.
Elf gets a fish, too!
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