“...and hands that shed innocent blood,” Prov. 6:17 Gen. 9:6 - Ex. 20:13 Gal. 5:19-21 Rev. 21:8 Murder Murder = ruin, destroy, perish
Roe vs. Wade - Jan. 22, Years Over 50 Million babies killed
10 Perfect Toes 11 Weeks after conception
1.Birth - first breath 2.Quickening - first movement 3.Viability - can survive 4.Brain Function 5.Conception
Biblelife begins at conception Bible - life begins at conception Jer.1:5 Jer.1:5 “..before you came forth out of the womb I consecrated you,...” Job 31:15 Job 31:15 “Did not he that made me in the womb make him? And did not one fashion us in the womb?
Biblelife begins at conception Bible - life begins at conception Isa.49:1-5 - Called Isaiah in womb Luke 1:15 - Filled with Holy Spirit Lk 1:44 - “Babe leaped in womb” Lk. 2:16 “babe lying in a manger”
Biblelife begins at conception Bible - life begins at conception Incarnation Eternal - Jn. 1:1-2 Likeness of men - Phil.2:6-8 When? At Conception !!!
Biblelife begins at conception Bible - life begins at conception Ex. 21: Penalty for causing miscarriage - “life for life” - Baby was alive in the womb
James 2:26 “For as the body without the spirit is dead...” Death = when the spirit separates from the body Embryo requires a spirit to live Zech. 12:1 Eccl. 12:7 Abortion produces a Dead Fetus. Implies that there was Life !!!
1.Legalize to protect from illegal 2.Woman’s right to determine 3.An Unwanted baby 4.Not the sex desired 5.Deformed fetus
6.Mental health of mother 7.Physical health of mother 8.Birth control method 9.Population control
10.Unmarried Teenager 11.Rape or Incest 12.Economic hardship
More concern for animals than babies Death of puppy - 30 days jail Illegal to kill eagles, eggs, nest
Teens killed baby - Nov.12, 1996 Amy & Brian = killed baby boy Charged with murder Short Sentence = 30 months Man got 12 years for killing cats If she had got an abortion, then no problems !!!
Leads to
Murder is sinful An unborn child has life No man has right to destroy the life of another God is the giver of life-Acts 17:25
Conclusion God decides when life begins, and has revealed to us that it begins at conception. Abortion is murder. God decides when life begins, and has revealed to us that it begins at conception. Abortion is murder.
Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga Sunday Evening Jan. 22, 06