NPDgamma Liquid Hydrogen Target Safety Review Project and Safety At LANL November 29-30, 2005
NPDgamma Experiment: Precision measurement of parity-violating directional gamma- ray asymmetry A in polarized cold neutron capture on proton. The goal is to measure A with the accuracy of The measurement will unambiguously determine the weak NN coupling constant.
NPDGamma Experiment Setup in FP12 at ER2 FP12 Cave
The NPD Collaboration
About NPDgamma Project Scientific proposal was written in 1997 Management Plan “The n+p D+ Project Management Plan for Experiment and Beam Line Construction” was signed in Sponsors: DoE Nuclear Physics, NSF, NSERC, LANL, collaborating institutes Capital cost of the project is roughly $2.5mil + $2.5 mil Beamline construction project completed 02/04 Experiment construction project has: 11 work packages responsibilities by collaborators and LANL completed except of the LH 2 target work package project completion forecast 6/03
Status and plans Status –Beamline completed in 2004 –Experiment completed in 2004 except of the LH 2 target Our goal is to –have the LH 2 target ready for beam and for production at the end of March 2006 when beam is assumed to be again available at the Lujan Center after the facility maintenance break. –For this we need to complete Testing in shed Install the target on FP12 Test the target again on FP12 And pass the reviews
Scientific proposal was written in 1997 Pendlebury Committee’s physics review in 1997 Spinka I Committee’ technical review in 1998 In 1999 the 1st Target Review “Preliminary Conceptual Design Review of the NPDGamma Experiment Hydrogen Target” Spinka II Committee’s technical review in 2000 In 2001 the 2nd Target Review “10% design review” set “ a baseline” for further design. Spinka III technical review in November 2002 DOE technical progress review on October 2004 In 2004 the vent line review In 2005 the 3rd Target Review Preliminary plan for the DOE closeout review of the construction project agreed to be on August Project’s review history and future
Organizational Chart for the NPDGamma Project in Nuclear Physics Program Bill Louis Jack Shlachter Doug Fulton TBA Hersman/UNH Gentile/NIST
Safety Hierarchy in the LH 2 Target Project DOE is involved through the Facility Authorization Basis. –We need to perform USI(=Unreviewed Safety Issue) against the ISAD(=InterimSafety Assessment Document) in addition to the USQs (=unresolved/unreviewed safety questions) that have already been done. At Lab the highest level signature is coming from LANSCE Division leader; Paul Lisowski. He signs the Authorization Basis, and he is the RDL=responsible Division Leader who signs IWD=Integrated Work Document. Next level of signature is coming from RGL=responsible Group Leader D. Fulton, P-23) who signs IWD to authorize the work and personnel. Readiness Review by facility - signed by Alan Hurd, Director of Lujan Center.
IWD IDW JHA ID 3501 “Testing of the NPDGamma Liquid Hydrogen Target” –Tasks and steps –Hazard analysis –Controls and requirements –Responsibilities - RDL, RGL, Preparer, SMEs, workers –Target personnel - training, authorization process Target IWD refers to –Lab documents –Engineering Document –Target Operating Procedures IWD can also give steps for safe performance of a task. If we identify an important task with a higher safety risk we can have a separate IWD for that task.
Value of this review Independent review of the target by experts –Improves overall target safety Will create the final design baseline for the target. After this review drawings engineering document will be under the change control The review result will effect on –authorization in different management levels
Flow chart for the shed and ER2 LH2 target effort J. Knudson, chair P. Kelley D. Hill J. Lataille P. Lewis B. Etuk, ….
Hydrogen Target in Shed 30 cm The goal is to review safety of: as built the LH 2 Target cryostat and relief system. They will be almost same for the shed and ER2 operation. as built the gas handling system in shed a plan for the gas handling system for ER2 plans for controls and operations
LH2 Target Vessel and Isolation Vacuum