Gender Differences in Other Countries
Measures which shed light on the differences Women’s LFPR Degree of Occupational Segregation by sex Female-male earning ratios Women’s educational attainment Fertility rate
Gender Differences in Other Countries Measures which shed light on the differences (continuation) The allocation of housework Women’s role in the government Women’s standing before the Law
Labor Force Participation Rate There appears to be a marked difference on the LFPR of women according to the wealth of the Nation In a work by Kristin Mammen and Christina Paxson (Journal of Economic Perspective Vol. 14, No. 4, Fall 2000 pp ) they show that LFPR decreases up to about $2,500 per capita GDP and then Increases
Kristin Mammen and Christina Paxson
LFPR for Females in Different Countries:
Segregation Index
Where M i and F i represent the percent of males and females working in this job category respectively (see page 389)
Reading and Education also a Factor Recall that at during the middle ages and well into the XIX century women were not allowed to read Many stories in different cultures of women disguised as man to learn how to read Recall the treatment of women under the Taliban rule where it against their law to teach women to read
FERTILITY Clearly the more involved the woman is the act procreation the less ability she will have to participate in the labor force The cultural aspect of fertility is an important aspect of woman’s LFPR THE MACHO……
Kristin Mammen and Christina Paxson
Women in Government Golda Mayer, Margaret Thatcher, are rare exception The Dole’s Hillary Clinton Women of the Senate
Women an the Law Credit Line Child in Divorce Property Rights
Women In Third World Countries Women in the Maquila Industry Microcredit Sex Trade Genital Mutilation Philippine Maids Birth Control Regan vs Clinton approach