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Article Preview UIC Study Hopes to Shed Light on Autism, Insistence on ‘Sameness ’ pg. 44 Questions? Comments? Predictions about the article? Connections you can make BEFORE reading?
Craving To long for OR to want greatly “I have been craving McDonald’s french fries all week!”
Modulate/modulating To regulate or adjust with a certain measure To tone down “The speaker modulated her voice to emphasize her main points.”
Rigid/rigidity Still Strict Not flexible “The bridge frame was very ridged so it would not be affected by the strong winds.”
preliminary Leading up to the main part “Before you can compete in the Olympics, you must succeed in the preliminary trials.”
contradict To speak against something The opposite “I claimed that Derrick had pushed the ice cream out of my hand, but Derrick contradicted my statement and said that he tripped and fell into me.”
placebo A substance having no pharmacological effect but given merely to satisfy a patient who supposes it to be medicine. Fake pill (so the person thinks they are on medicine) “My little brother complained he had a headache, but I knew this was just a trick to get out of school, so I gave him a placebo pill.”
antidepressant A substance used to treat mood disorders “Some doctors prescribe antidepressants to people who feel unmotivated, hopeless, or constantly tired.”
Think about what we’ve done… Inferring word meanings Finding main ideas 5w’s and 1 H RAP (summarizing) Connecting
Today’s Challenge You may read independently OR with a partner. In your reader’s notebook you must have… A summary of the main points One part you were confused about 2 or 3 things you learned One question you had during the reading or after reading
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Leave your reader’s notebook on the back table so I can see how well you worked today!