System Operator Conference NERC Standards Review for: Simulator Drill Orientation 2014 System Operator Conferences Charlotte NC & Franklin TN SERC/SOS Facilitator Team
2014 System Operator Conference 2 Applicable to: Events Modeled on the Finist Energy System using the Operator Training Simulator “OTS FINIST” Review of NERC Reliability Standards
2014 System Operator Conference 3 Issues You Will See During the Drill: MW limit violations; congestion on flowgates Out-of-range voltage (high or low) Activation of protection systems DCS events Large deviation from schedule in Interconnection frequency ACE in the BAs Actual Net Interchange Need for manual load shed
2014 System Operator Conference 4 At the conclusion of this training, the participant should be able to: Identify and discuss NERC standards that relate to: Establishing operating entity reliability responsibilities and authorities Operating within established SOLs and IROLs; returning from “unknown” emergency state within 30 minutes Having sufficient reactive resources to maintain voltage schedules; keeping generator units in AVR mode Learning Objectives
2014 System Operator Conference 5 Identify and discuss NERC standards that relate to: Knowledge, understanding and coordination of protection systems, including: UVLS, UFLS, SPS Ability of BAs to balance resources & demand following loss of generation. Importance of proper communication protocols during system events. Exercising TOP operator authority to shed firm load when required. Learning Objectives, cont’d
2014 System Operator Conference 6 NERC Standards review: TOP-001: Reliability Responsibilities and Authorities TOP-004: Transmission Operations VAR-001: Voltage and Reactive Control VAR-002: Gen. Ops. for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules PRC-001: System Protection Coordination PRC-006: UFLS & SERC Regional UFLS Standard PRC-010: UVLS BAL-002: Disturbance Control Performance COM-002: Communications & Coordination EOP-003: Load Shedding Plans Outline of Topics
2014 System Operator Conference 7 TOP-001-1a Reliability Responsibilities and Authorities Enforcement Date 11/21/2011
2014 System Operator Conference 8 List appropriate actions TOP-001-1a
2014 System Operator Conference 9 TOP-001-1a
2014 System Operator Conference 10 TOP Transmission Operations Enforcement Date 1/22/2009
2014 System Operator Conference 11 TOP-004-2
2014 System Operator Conference 12 TOP R1: Operate within SOL/IROL R4: Return from unknown operating state within 30 min. R5: “Cut Loose” if cannot remain interconnected
2014 System Operator Conference 13 VAR Voltage and Reactive Control Enforcement Date 10/1/2014 VAR will be retired 9/30/2014
2014 System Operator Conference 14 VAR /1/2014
2014 System Operator Conference 15 R2: Schedule sufficient reactive resources to regulate voltage levels VAR-001-4
2014 System Operator Conference 16 R5 sub-requirements: TOP shall provide the GOP with reactive power schedule, AVR control mode, deviation notification, criteria used in schedules. VAR-001-4
2014 System Operator Conference 17 VAR Generator Operation for Maintaining Network Voltage Schedules Enforcement Date 10/1/2014 VAR-002-2b will be retired: 9/30/2014
2014 System Operator Conference 18 10/1/2014 VAR-002-3
2014 System Operator Conference 19 VAR R1: GOP must have AVRs in automatic mode **exceptions start-up/shut- down mode. or directed by TOP R2: GOP must maintain voltage. By alternate method if AVR out, modify voltage as instructed, and have a methodology to monitor voltage
2014 System Operator Conference 20 VAR R5 and R6: GO must provide GSU tap settings and assure tap positions are changed per TOP specs R3 and R4: GOP must notify the TOP of status or other changes in reactive capability within 30 min
2014 System Operator Conference 21 PRC System Protection Coordination Enforcement Date 4/1/2013
2014 System Operator Conference 22 PRC
2014 System Operator Conference 23 R4 and R5: coordinate protection systems and any system changes affecting others R6: Operator Awareness of status of each Special Protection System (SPS )* Example: In Finist, if any 2 of 3 key lines are out of service and the remaining line trips, SPS kicks in to create an island of balanced load & generation. *SPS Detects a certain set of conditions and takes action above & beyond the isolation of faulted equipment. also :Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) PRC
2014 System Operator Conference 24 PRC PRC-006-SERC-01 Automatic Underfrequency Load Shedding (UFLS) Enforcement Date 4/1/2014
2014 System Operator Conference 25 Arrest & Assist PRC UFLS entities that own, operate or control UFLS equipment
2014 System Operator Conference 26 PRC-006-SERC-01
2014 System Operator Conference 27 PRC-006-SERC-01 R2: UFLS scheme: shed at least 30% peak demand, min 3 freq. setpoints, highest , lowest 58.4 R4: (future enforcement) R4: If UFLS entity’s total load >100 MW, must implement UFLS developed by PC and must meet requirements, such as; % load shed total and steps, freq. setpoints, etc)
2014 System Operator Conference 28 PRC Technical Assessment of the Design and Effectiveness of Undervoltage Load Shedding (UVLS) Program Enforcement Date 6/18/2007
2014 System Operator Conference 29 PRC R1: At least every 5 years TO/TOP must evaluate its UVLS program for coordination, demonstration, and review voltage set points & timing.
2014 System Operator Conference 30 BAL Disturbance Control Performance (DCS) Enforcement Date 4/1/2012
2014 System Operator Conference 31 BAL-002-1
2014 System Operator Conference 32 *Reportable Disturbance, from NERC Glossary: Any event that causes an ACE change greater than or equal to 80% of a Balancing Authority’s or reserve sharing group’s most severe contingency. *Reportable Disturbance Any event that causes an ACE change greater than or equal to 80% of a Balancing Authority’s or reserve sharing group’s most severe contingency. R4: Following a Reportable Disturbance* BA must return ACE to the lesser of zero (0) or pre- contingency value in 15 minutes. R3: Must carry enough Contingency Reserve to cover most severe single contingency BAL-002-1
2014 System Operator Conference 33 COM Communications & Coordination Enforcement Date 6/18/2007
2014 System Operator Conference 34 COM R2: Directives must be issued using 3-part communication. 1- Sender speaks directive. 2-Recipient repeat-back. 3-Sender acknowledges
2014 System Operator Conference 35 EOP Load Shedding Plans Enforcement Date 10/1/2013
2014 System Operator Conference 36 EOP R1: Shed Load if all fails R8: Have plans for operator-controlled manual load shed
2014 System Operator Conference 37 Summary The simulations during this conference will reinforce the importance of adhering to NERC Reliability Standards, including: TOP-001: Authority to take all appropriate actions TOP-004: Operate within established limits VAR-001: Have sufficient reactive resources to maintain voltage VAR-002: Maintain generator voltage schedules and keep AVRs on automatic. PRC-001: Be aware of purpose & limitations of automatic protection schemes
2014 System Operator Conference 38 Summary, cont’d PRC-006: Auto UFLS provides last-resort preservation of system when frequency is declining PRC-010: Auto UVLS sheds enough load in a timely manner to prevent voltage instability/collapse BAL-002: Have enough Contingency Reserves to recover from a DCS within the time limit COM-002: Issue effective emergency directives using 3-part communication EOP-003: After exhausting other corrective actions, manually shed load rather than risk an uncontrolled separation.
2014 System Operator Conference 39 Questions?