Remaining in ‘Good standing’
2 Introduction and context 1) Requirement to embed Good Standing into practice – subscriber needs 4) Proposal for a series of developments to support Fellows 3) Aspire to develop a system of support and CPD – not ‘police’ Fellows 2) Mechanisms and support for ensuring Good Standing happens are not yet established
3 A working definition… Continuing to work in accordance with the standard indicated by the relevant Fellow Descriptor of the UKPSF and the associated statements of the Code of Practice.
4 Proposals - remaining in good standing ActivityTiming Code of Practice for Fellows Launch of Code of Practice2013/14 Accreditation CPD Schemes to support Fellows to remain in good standing 2014 – 2016 Rolling programme HEA CPDAligning CPD to UKPSFPilot 2013/14 Range 2014/15 External CPD (Dual badging) Aligning CPD to UKPSF Develop approval/kite marking system 2013/ /15 Collaborative approach to Fellowship Explore potential for external recognition and use of HEA Fellowship 2014/15 Individual Fellows System for Fellows not in a subscribing university 2014/15
Feedback from the sector How remaining in good standing could be used Need to work with groups, for example: SHED, HEDG, SEDA, ALDinHE, SDF, ALT and HR Networks 5 Sector engagement is critical
6 Accreditation CPD Framework Subscribers asked to explain how their Framework will support Fellows to remain in good standing. e.g. in appraisal, PDR, management process Institutions will have the responsibility for ensuring that Fellows remain in good standing in the same way it does for the award of Fellowship. QA process will be addressed through same process as CPD Frameworks and seen as a contributing component. Introduced in CPD Framework submissions in 2014/15 – will take time to work through systems as subscribers move to CPD Frameworks from individually accredited provision
7 Current Example
9 Notes for Managers
10 Notes for Staff
12 Fellows who are not based in a subscribing institution will be encouraged to maintain a record of CPD. Evidence from a small sample of Fellows could be requested each year. HEA could develop a template for Fellows to use and a system through which they would demonstrate the requirements to remain in good standing as a HEA Fellow.
13 A system of allocating credit for engagement in HEA provided professional development opportunities 13 Wider reach Losing ground in subject related professional development against a range of CPD providers. Don’t have system of allocating credit that participants can use to demonstrate that they are engaging in CPD. HEA CPD Provision Will identify how it contributes to professional development and relates to the UKPSF. Supports Fellows in gathering evidence for applications and/or meeting the CPD requirements of their own institutions. Alignment to UKPSF Started in 2013/14 – pilot activities to be undertaken to explore how CPD credit can effectively be allocated Questions Does the currently in the allocation of credit relate to hours undertaken, level of engagement plus the status of the event? What is the interoperability of credit across various CPD subject Frameworks?
14 HEA endorsement of professional development provided by external agencies 14 Subject and professional associations Will identify how it contributes to professional development and relates to the UKPSF. Supports Fellows in gathering evidence for applications and/or meeting the CPD requirements of their own institutions. Alignment to UKPSF Started in 2013/14 – pilot activities to be undertaken to explore how external CPD credit can effectively be allocated Duel badging Provides opportunities for developing relationships with different establishments that support HE CPD in learning and teaching
15 Collaborative approach to Fellowship between the HEA, subject associations and learned societies A number of subject and professional associations/organisations offer their own Fellowship schemes Explore potential collaborations with such organisations to explore ‘mutual recognition’
16 A Code of Practice for Fellows Purpose: A code to establish a set of principles and expectations for the maintenance of ‘good standing’ of learning and teaching staff alongside the award of HEA Fellowship
17 Phases of the code’s development… Phase 2: In 2012/13 a limited consultation on the draft code with selected institutional contacts through a one day event and focus groups. Finding were ambivalent but agreement to revise in light of feedback. Phase 1: HEA Steering group set up in 2011/12, commissioned PARN to develop a draft code. Phase 3: Revised single page of Code used as the basis for an on-line survey (March 2013) to all Fellows, institutional contacts and the DVC/PVC group.
2677 responses Indicated widespread support to introduce code in spite of reservations about its practical usefulness and the code itself The usefulness of the code will be greatly enhanced if introduced as part of a good standing process rather than in isolation Code launched at the Annual Subscribers Meeting on 2 Oct Survey outcomes
HEA staff remaining in good standing HEA accreditor remaining in good standing How will institutions approach remaining in good standing? HR process? Central Development Unit? Local at Faculty/Department level? What impact will this have on HESA return and the QAA? 19 What next?
1.Why do we need the Code of Practice? 2.Is this duplicating the UK PSF? 3.How do we/can we use the Code of Practice? 4.What if a staff member does not remain in good standing? 5.Can the HEA revoke recognition? 20 Code of Practice/ Remaining in good standing: Questions for the sector