{ Hair Analysis It’s Everywhere!!!
Forensic hair examinations and comparisons are often used as important investigative and associative information Individual Evidence: evidence which can only be linked to one person Class Evidence: evidence that can be linked to a group of people Hair evidence is class evidence When is it used?
Hair is: a. readily available b. easily transferred c. difficult to destroy Why is hair evidence used?
If the source is animal or human Race (sometimes) Where on the body the hair came from Whether the hair was forcibly removed If the hair has been treated with chemicals If drugs have been taken into the body What can be determined from hair?
Hair of Infant
Hair of Adult Female
Hair Adult Male
Arm Hair Adult Male
Beard Hair
Cuticle: outside covering of the hair; made of overlapping scales Cortex: Inner layer made of keratin and imbedded with pigment (color) Medulla: inside layer running down the center of the cortex Parts of the Hair
Scales differ between species of animals and are named based on their appearance. Cuticle Scale Patterns
1. paint clear fingernail polish on a glass slide 2. when the polish begins to dry, place a hair on the polish 3.when almost dry, lift off the hair and observe the scale imprints Steps to Visualizing Human Scales
Intermittent or interrupted Fragmented Continuous Stacked Absent—not present Types and Patterns of Medulla
Human medulla may be continuous, fragmented or absent Human Medulla
Determined by measuring the diameter of the medulla and dividing it by the diameter of the hair. Medullary Index for human hair is generally less than 1/3. For animal hair, it is usually greater than 1/2. Medullary Index
Hair can be straight, curly or kinky depending on the cross-section of the hair What gives hair its shape?
Terminology Anagen—hair that is actively growing; lasting up to 5 years Catagen—hair is not growing; a resting phase Telogen—hair that is dying and ready to fall out; lasting two to six months Grows about 0.5 mm per day or 1 centimeter per month; approximately one half inch per month Hair Growth
{{ Color Length Diameter Distribution, shape and color intensity of pigment granules Dyed hair has color in cuticle and cortex Bleaching removes pigment and gives a yellow tint Scale types Presence or absence of medulla Medullary type Medullary pattern Medullary index Comparing Hairs
Examples of Hair Basics Cut with Scissor s Cut with Razor
More Hair Basics Naturally Shed, Buckling and Forcibly Pulled Naturally Shed Pulled & Broken Forcibly pulled with tissue attached
Other Hair Damage Fire Damage Bucklin g Burned
Questioned hairs must be accompanied by an adequate number of control samples a. From victim b. From possible suspects c. From others who may have deposited hair at the scene Control Sample: a group of known materials used for comparison Collecting Hair
Nuclear DNA- if tissue is still attached from being forcibly removed-traces to individual Mitochondrial DNA- if not forcibly removed- shows only DNA inherited from the mother- traces to maternal line DNA from Hair
Hair Toxicology Toxicology: the study of the nature, effects and detection of poisons and the treatment of poisoning Advantages of Hair Toxicology: a. Easy to collect and store b. Externally available c. Can provide information on the individual’s history of drug use or poisoning Collections from all areas of the body can give an accurate timeline of exposure or use
Napoleon died in exile in By analyzing his hair, some investigators suggest he was poisoned by the deliberate administration of arsenic; others suggest that it was vapors from the dyes in the wallpaper that did him in. Case Study: Napoleon
On October 3, 1849, Poe was found delirious on the streets of Baltimore, Maryland, "in great distress, and... in need of immediate assistance", according to the man who found him, Joseph W. Walker. [ He was taken to the Washington College Hospital, where he died at 5 a.m. on Sunday, October 7. Poe was never coherent enough to explain how he came to be in this condition. Some believe he was poisoned as a part of a political election corruption scheme Baltimore, Maryland [Washington College HospitalBaltimore, Maryland [Washington College Hospital Case Study: Edgar Allan Poe
For additional information about hair and other trace evidence, check out Court TV’s Crime Library at: orensics/trace/1.html orensics/trace/1.html orensics/trace/1.html orensics/trace/1.html More About Hair