2013 NASA Safety and OH Directors’ Meeting Kennedy Space Center, FL 2013 NASA Safety and OH Directors’ Meeting Kennedy Space Center, FL “Moving Forward To Commercial Crew” NASA Glenn Research Center Safety and Health Division (SHeD) March 26-29, 2013 National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Aeronautics and Space Administration The GRC Clean Team - Best Practice The GRC Clean Team - Best Practice Creating Healthy Workplaces since 2005 Established in 2005 in an effort to resolve issues related to Indoor Environmental Quality collaboratively with stakeholders Clean Team Objectives: Healthy Workplaces and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Membership includes representatives from Logistics, Facilities, and Safety & Health; weekly meetings ensure collaborative effort between three organizations 2 Creation of a Water Intrusion Response Team to provide rapid response so water affected areas are dried out within 48 hours, resulting in Cost $avings and a healthy environment!
National Aeronautics and Space Administration The GRC Clean Team - Best Practice The GRC Clean Team - Best Practice Creating Healthy Workplaces since 2005 Focus is on maintaining healthy workplaces Resolution of IEQ concerns using a root cause analysis approach Long-term approach to proactively maintain healthy workplaces through implementation of corrective actions into our procedures Recipient of NASA Group Achievement Award in 2008 NIOSH - impressed with Team’s technical abilities Your Title Here 3
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Operational Safety - Best Practice Operational Safety - Best Practice Electronic Area Safety Permit Process GRC Safety Permit Process provides an independent review of Center operations and research testing activities It evaluates operational and test- specific hazards and validates operator qualifications Electronic safety permit process implemented to streamline the process after a Lean Six Sigma Kaizen event identified process improvement opportunities Fully integrated process from initial request to final permit issuance 4
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Operational Safety - Best Practice Operational Safety - Best Practice Electronic Area Safety Permit Process 5 Web-based application with archiving capabilities to minimize loss of permit requests or supporting documentation. Supporting documentation can be uploaded in MS Office or PDF formats Multiple access capability allows simultaneous reviews Search engine capability for permit status (where is my permit?) and to research similar permitted activities Automatic renewal reminders, as appropriate
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Your Title Here 6
National Aeronautics and Space Administration