International Trend and Future Direction of Youth Preferential System National Youth Policy Institute Kim kyung-jun and Choi In-jae
1. Research Goals Youth-Preferential System: “Activities of the nation, local government, and private institutions for implementing youth- oriented direct support. To attract the interest of youth in local community, achieve desirable growth and development in the fields of transportation means, cultural activity, consumption activity, leisure activity, etc.” To analyze the examples of leading nations’ preferential systems, review the possibility of their introduction into our country, analyze the problem of our youth-preferential system including youth card, and finally suggest measures and solutions.
2. Major Contents Analysis of the Present Situation of Youth-Preferential System - Korea: Youth Discount, Youth Card - Foreign Countries: Japan, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom Survey of Recognition of the Youth-Preferential System - Awareness, Satisfaction, Status of Utilization, Needs, etc. Suggestion of Direction to Develop the Youth-Preferential System - Operational Improvement, Legal/Institutional Improvement Direction
3. Major Research Results Recognition of the Youth- Preferential System - Demand for Preferential System: 96.8% - Degree of awareness on Preferential System : 10.6% - Degree of Satisfaction on Preferential System : about 30% - Youth Card Reserve Ratio: 4.7% of Total Number of Youth, 10.6% of Non- Students - Major Problem: Lack of Information, Low Discount Rate, Marginal Discount, etc.
3. Major Research Results Foreign Youth Preferential system - A variety of preferential systems are being implemented internationally. - France: The Youth Card System reflects the local characteristics of wide-area local government to small-scale area that is being broadly implemented. - Germany: A variety of discount systems in terms of the provincial government being under operation. - Scotland: More than 90% of youth carry the Youth Card; the youth project is operated and linked with the youth card system.
4. Policy Recommendations -Establish the basic idea on Youth preferential policy. -The local government should develop the youth card model -The local government should enact the “Ordinance on Youth- Preferential System.” -Develop a preferential system based on the characteristics and demands of the youth. -Increase the discount size and discount rate for youth card holders; reinforce advertisement. -Incorporate the student card into the youth card; develop a new youth card. -Develop the point system and other activities to promote the participation of youth.