Federation of Indian Export Organisations Set up by Ministry of Commerce,Government of India ISO 9001:2008 certified
FIEO: An overview The Federation of Indian Export Organizations known popularly as “FIEO”, represents the Indian entrepreneurs’ spirit of enterprise in the global market. FIEO is a partner of the Government of India in promoting India’s exports. FIEO provides the content, direction and thrust to India’s expanding international trade.
Scope & Objective Western Region,Mumbai Head Office, New Delhi Northern Region,New Delhi Eastern Region,Kolkata Southern Region,Chennai Export Promotion FIEO’s Objective
What is FIEO???? FIEO members contribute around 70% global exports of our country. Apex body of all EPC’s & Commodity Boards and co- ordinates the efforts of all organizatio ns in the country engaged in export promotion. A non-profit organization set up by Ministry of Commerce,Govt. of India in A non-profit organization set up by Ministry of Commerce,Govt. of India in 1965.
FIEO’s Membership Statistics
Composition of FIEO’s Membership FIEO membership consists of the following: All EPCs & Commodity Boards, Government recognized exporting firms, Status holders recognized by Govt. of India Chamber of Commerce & Trade Associations Consultancy firms, Service exporters, Banks, Export management training institutes etc.
FIEO’s Activities & Programmes Trade Fairs/ Exhibitions / BSMs / Interactive Meetings/ Workshops / Training Programmes Taking up Issues/Problems of Members with Govt Authorities at both Central & State level. International Exposure and Guidance through Website Disseminating Commercial Intelligence reports Awards to Members and Export Facilitators Setting up India Trade Centers Overseas
Links with Trade & Industry Bodies FIEO has forged strong links with organizations in several countries and international agencies for direct communication and interaction between India and world businessmen. UN bodies and world agencies like – IMF, ADB, UNIDO & UNCTAD. In addition, FIEO has bilateral arrangements for exchange of information as well as for liasoning with several overseas chambers of commerce, and trade and industry associations.
FIEO Publications FIEO News -A monthly News Magazine, covering trade and economic developments in India and abroad. Reach buyers and sellers in India, by making FIEO News your own spokesman! Advertise in this bulletin and take advantage of its extensive reach in India.
Value Added Services Members’ Live Chat with DG & CEO Market Development Assistance Certificate of Origin Market reports & surveys Visa & Passport Recommendations Weekly e-Bulletin Online web services
Market Development Assistance Financial Assistance to Individual exporters for export promotion activities abroad for participation in Trade Delegation /BSMs / Trade Fairs & Exhibitions in FIEO organized Programmes. f.o.b, value of exports up to Rs. 15 crores in the preceding year (with minimum export turnover nil exports will be not allowed to apply for MDA) Completed membership of 12 months and filing of export returns regularly. Assistance on travel expenses in economy excursion class fair and/or charges of the built up furnished stall subject to an upper ceiling.
Certificate of Origin Certificate of Origin is an instrument which establishes evidence on origin of goods imported into any country. These certificates are essential for exporters to prove where their goods come from and therefore stake their claim to whatever benefits goods of Indian origin may be eligible for in the country of exports. There are two categories of Certificate of Origin – (1) Preferential and (2) Non- Preferential Preferential arrangement/scheme under which India is receiving tariff preferences for its exports are: Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) -- List of agencies authorized to issue GSP Certificate of Origin is given at Appendix 4A of the Hand Book of Procedures vol.I; Global System of Trade Preferences (GSTP) -- Export Inspection Council (EIC)is sole agency authorized to issue Certificate of Origin under GSTP; SAARC Preferential Trading Agreement (SAPTA)-- List of agencies authorized to issue Certificate of Origin is given at Appendix 4B of the Hand Book of Procedures vol.I (FIEO is one of the agencies authorized to issue Certificate of Origin under GSTP); Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) -- List of Agencies authorized to issue Certificate of Origin under APTA is given in Appendix 4B of the Hand Book of Procedures vol.I (FIEO is one of the agencies authorized to issue Certificate); India-SriLanka Free Trade Agreement (ISLFTA) -- Export Inspection Council is sole agency to issue Certificate of Origin under this agreement;
Papers & Reports Towards SAFTA India and the European Union Doing Business with the Russian Federation Surveys on the German Market Export Potential of the North Eastern States Doing Business in Egypt study by M/s Arthur Anderson Survey of the Romanian Market for Textiles/Garments Survey of the Syrian Market for Pharmaceuticals
Contact us FIEO (Head Office) Niryat Bhawan, Rao Tula Ram Marg, Opp. Army Hospital Research & Referral, New Delhi Phone: , , Fax: , Website: Toll Free Number Northern Region, New Delhi Eastern Region, Kolkata Western Region, Mumbai Southern Region, Chennai