Business Practices Back Office Brazil
AGENDAck Office Brazil Objective Back Office x Contracts Roles and Responsibilities Processing Orders Tools and Templates Rules - checklist Booking Post-booking
Back Office Brazil Team – Ana Tavares Manager / Lad Sales Orders / DPO – Daniela Bannitz VADs / Partners/ Region BR ( except SP and South) – Mariana Lima VAD /Partners / Region SP and South
Back Office x Contracts BACK OFFICECONTRACTS Revision and booking : Indirect Orders "Standard" Revision and booking : Direct Orders and Indirects non"Standard" Tech and Apps ProductsLOCAL - CADMIN Online orders : POP (Partner Ordering Portal)ULAs Support Partners and VAD’sEnterprise Linux and VM Support pre and post sales Support for filling Bap Form – Apps andCOSTA RICA Enterprise Linux / VMMigrations : Support on POP tool utilizationPrivate Customer Support for any question regarding business practicesPublic Sector Customer Backlog : Billing, media shipping information
Preparing an Order document Order Type: 1. “Standard” Order – When the Oracle terms is used in the order as is. In this case A BAP Form or POP (online) should be use to place an order. 2.non“Standard” Order – Any adjustments in the Oracle terms. Order with more than 12 months support; Installments for support; Migrations; Generic or Specific Hosting; – Important : When Sign the PDF template, fill in the field: “Contrato de Licença do usuário final” with your internal order number.
Preparing an Order document Pedido “Standard” : Produto Apps Cliente Privado – Always Vad/Partners must fill in the latest version of BAP Form and POEU. Cliente Setor Público – Always Vad/Partners must fill in the latest version of BAP Form, there is a specific template fo Public Sector. Requested documents for a Public Sector Order Bid process for the Government Agency – Edital and Anexos; Bid Process with Price hold, Agency owner of Ata or Agency mentioned in Edital: – Ata de Registro, Edital do Registro and anexos; Bid Process, adesão and Ata from Price hold for specific agency: – Ata de registro, Edital do registo and anexos, oficio para adesão de solicitação and autorização – Register in Diário Oficial da União; Standard Oracle commercial proposal with OLSA clauses
Preparing an Order document Enterprise Linux e VM Order Private and Public Sector Customer – Vad/Partners must fill in the latest version of BAP Form. ELSA – Signed document between Oracle and End User, with VAD or partner closing the deal is responsible to get the signature from End user. After all fields filled in: – Vad/partner send to Back Office team all documentation for previous validation, this documentation is send through ; – BackOffice answer to the Vad/partner, showing any correction needs before final signature. Back Office need Bap Form and POEU to be validated together.
Tools and Templates For Opportunity registration: – PRM – inform the opportunity ID when submit an order for Oracle To perpare “standard” and non “standard” orders: – Legal Name Change – request to SALES REP – Exception letter – Request to SALES REP Additional Discount Orders with different Support terms Orders with different Support payment terms To prepare “standard” Apps order : – Bap Form : Private Customer and Public Sector (Pay attention to the Bap Form template – they are different) – POEU (Proof of end user) – Oracle Standard Commercial Proposal including OLSA clauses: only for Public Sector To prepare orders Enterprise Linux and VM: – Bap Form : Specific Bap Form to be used for Private Customer and Public Sector – ELSA : Signed by End User
Indirect Orders -“standard” What is the rule? – Orders above USD 200K net license a POEU or a contract between partner and End user signed is required in the order package. How is the process? 1.All Order documentation must be sent to Backoffice team by , good visibility for scanning pages and the signatures with right identification form complete name and position from customer and end user. 2.All documents should have been submitted previously for validation and revision for backoffice team. 3.For booking is not necessary the original document. 4.After, for auditor purpose, the original documents need to be submitted to Backoffice team form Oracle countersignature and files. 5.In case of VAD/partner needs a copy of the order, it should be signed 2 copies, Oracle needs a copy anyway. Important : – Orders with Addictional Discount, should have a previous approval from Oracle Sales Rep.
Business Practices - Checklist Orders below USD 250k (Price list + Sup) the e-biz discount from partner/Vad has a 5% discount increase. VAD selling direct to the End User, Oracle request an internal approval, contact Sales Rep; Partner needs to follow your Preferential VAD, any exception Partner need to request an approval from preferential VAD and Oracle Aliances, contact Sales Rep. Partner that intermediate an Order from VAD, must have a FUDA Light active with Oracle. The Order signature has to be in the current month, is not permitted an order signed a month before current month.
Post Booking End user receives: – CSI notification, via , through Welcome Letter. – This notification will always be sent to the address on the purchase order, so always check that the address is correct before submitting an order for booking.