Student Disability Services PRESENTATION FOR PARENTS
OVERVIEW Student Disability Services Provides in-classroom accommodations for students with disabilities. Services are free to the student. Mission Statement: Student Disability Services promotes each student’s learning experience by providing programs and services for students with disabilities and education of the campus community on issues related to students’ disabilities. Vision: The Department of Student Disability Services will become nationally recognized as the leader in enhancing student learning and development for students with disabilities through the provision of direct academic services such as classroom accommodations, tutoring, training, academic counseling, and ongoing campus training and education.
OVERVIEW (cont.) TECHniques Center A fee for service program that provides academic support for students with a Learning Disability (LD) and/or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD). Mission Statement: The TECHniques Center is a program within Student Disability Services. The only tutoring program of its kind in Texas, the TECHniques Center provides supplemental academic support services to meet the needs of, and to promote the retention of, undergraduate students with documented evidence of Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders. The TECHniques Center supports students in maintaining their focus, accomplishing their educational goals, and making education accessible to those who learn differently.
ELIGIBILITY FOR SERVICES Students are eligible for services through SDS programs if they qualify under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). ADA is very different from the Individuals with Disabilities Educational Act (IDEA), which governs elementary – high school. Students who are currently receiving services in high school may not be eligible for the same services in higher education.
INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATIONAL ACT (IDEA) Allows for modifications of classroom material. Allows the school to alter curriculum to meet the student’s needs. Allows for grading adjustments. **These three items are emphasized here because they are VERY different than accommodations that are permitted under ADA.** Focuses on assuring successful student learning
AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) ADA is a civil rights act, not an educational act. Requires that ELIGIBLE students have equal access to the same information as students without disabilities. Allows for reasonable classroom accommodations for students with disabilities. Outcome-neutral law that ensures equal access but is not designed to guarantee student success.
ACCOMMODATIONS Accommodations can: Provide students with disabilities equal access to the same information as nondisabled students. Provide students with disabilities the same opportunities to demonstrate mastery as students without disabilities.
ACCOMMODATIONS (cont…) Accommodations cannot: Reduce assignments. Allow a student to miss class. Alter course material. Allow a student to turn in assignments late. Alter testing methods. Provide options for students to not be penalized for spelling errors if this in an integral component of the course. Affect the integrity of the course in any way.
TYPES OF ACCOMMODATIONS Extended time on tests and in class- assignments. Reduced distraction testing environment. Supplemental note-taking services. Sign language interpreters. Preferential seating. Priority registration (not applicable until after the student’s first semester at TTU). Use of assistive technology.
ACCOMMODATIONS (cont.) Accommodations are based on the documentation provided by the student. Course substitutions are allowed in some areas, but require extensive documentation that is both relevant and appropriate. All course substitutions must also be approved by the appropriate Academic Dean. More information on course substitutions in math and foreign language can be found on our website at
ELIGIBILITY AREAS Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Learning Disabilities in all areas Chronic Illnesses Hearing Impairments Mobility Impairments Psychological disorders Visual impairments
INTERPRETERS Interpret for Deaf and hard of hearing students with hearing faculty, staff, and students on Texas Tech’s campus Provide access to communication for Deaf and hard of hearing students so they can actively participate in classroom discussions
DOCUMENTATION Documentation needs to be current for medical, psychological, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and learning disabilities. Students being re-evaluated in high school for LD need to make sure that they are given a comprehensive assessment (full I.Q and achievement tests). Student will need to show continual use of services if documentation is outdated. Send what you have and we will be more than happy to evaluate it before you get retested.
ESSENTIAL ASSESSMENT ELEMENTS A history of the disability Complete analysis of the testing data A description of the specific disability and its severity The expected long term impact of the disability A DSM-IV diagnostic code when appropriate Specific recommendations for reasonable accommodations
APPLYING FOR SERVICES Students can apply for services the semester before they plan to attend Texas Tech. Applications cannot be processed until a student has been accepted by the university. An application can be found on the Student Disability Services website and may be submitted online or via US Mail, scan, or via fax at (806) After the completed file is reviewed, the student will be notified of their status by an academic counselor.
CONFIDENTIALITY All student information, including documentation that is submitted, is kept confidential and secure according to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) guidelines. Information regarding the student’s disability cannot be shared with faculty, staff, or parents without written permission by the student.
TECHNIQUES CENTER A fee for service program that addresses the needs of students with LD or ADHD. Provides 4-5 hours a week of individual tutoring. Provides assistance with time management, study skills, and self advocacy skills. Requires the student to meet weekly with academic counselors to review progress and grades. The TECHniques Center has a maximum enrollment of 185 students per semester.
3 RD WEEK CHECK-UP In order to ensure that everything is going smoothly with your student’s accommodations, we will be contacting the student during the 3 rd week of the semester. During this phone call we will make sure the student has handed out his/her LOA’s, ask if the student is having any complications using the accommodations, and answer any questions that the student may have.
MID-TERM GRADES The mid-term grades for all freshman will be posted by the instructors. Student Disability Services monitors these grades. Your student will be contacted by our office if he/she has a letter grade of “D” or “F” posted for any course. We will follow up with your student via a phone call to see if the grade is due to content mastery, or a complication with the course. If we should contact your student, we will suggest campus resources that may benefit him/her.
TECHNOLOGY INSIGHTS Technology allows many of our students to easily access information and study tools related to their courses. For some of our students technology involves screen readers, electronic books, Braille, CCTV, etc.
CONTACT INFORMATION Student Disability Services Texas Tech University Box 45007, 335 West Hall Lubbock, Texas (806) TECHniques Center 242 West Hall (806)
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