Economic Negotiations Economic Negotiations Tamara Napoleon & Merle Alexander First Nation LNG Summit Treaty 8 Territories, Fort St. John, BC Intersection between G2G & IBA negotiations and the need for First Nation-Contractors Collaborative Business Ventures
2 Outline 1.LNG Timelines Generally 2.G2G – Government to Government 3.IBA – Impact Benefits Agreements 4.CV – Collaborative Ventures 5.Critical Timelines to Maximize First Nations’ leverage 6.Collaborating to Maximize IBA Opportunities 7.How to Make Contracting Opportunities Meaningful 8.Options to Maximize Contract Opportunities 9.How to Ensure Sustainable Development 10.Is Monitoring and Enforcement Required 11.What do Proponents want from CVs 12.How to Meet the Needs of the Nation and the Proponent 13.Sustaining Momentum 14.What are the Challenges Facing CVs 15.Strategies to Reach CVs
LNG Timelines G2G IBA CV 3 Feb. 2015Feb Feb. 2015Feb Feb. 2015Feb. 2014
G2G 4 Contribution Funding Agreement Framework Agreement LNG Reconciliation Agreement Feb. 2015Feb Minimal DTC fulfilled = First Nation leverage increasing Added value for downstream, midstream and upstream First Nations’ coordination Revenue Sharing of LNG Tax critical, but will take joint First Nations solidarity Requirement that Contractors have material Aboriginal content in procurement & bidding critical
IBA 5 Letter Agreement Memorandum of Understanding Project Agreement Traditional Knowledge Protocol Feb. 2015Feb Proponents want support through negotiated agreements First Nation leverage at maximum before EA completes Negotiate for first preference on all contracting opps. Negotiate capacity/skills training funds Negotiate for Aboriginal hiring and business subcontracting as a “material term” of all contracts
Collaborative Ventures CV 6 Letter of Intent Business Framework Agreement Limited Partnership Agreement & Management Agreement Feb. 2015Feb First Nation-Contract collaborative ventures treated secondary in negotiations and often left out Critical to run contractor negotiations in parallel Task Economic Development Officer with negotiations
Critical Timelines 7 CVCV LOIBFALP IBA LAMOUPA TKP G2G CFAFALNG RA Feb. 2015Feb Critical Leverage Point
How to Make Contracting Opportunities Meaningful? Conduct due diligence on existing First Nation businesses and entrepreneurs Determine an inclusive and flexible definition of “First Nation Business” Accommodate operating challenges Capacity development to participate more broadly Tax planning 8
Collaborating to Maximize IBA Opportunities Popular forms - joint ventures, partnerships and alliances Can be set up alongside and integrated into IBA Industry gains preferential access to major contracts Assist to fulfill project proponents’ obligations to consult and accommodate Fosters capacity building for First Nation businesses and citizens 9
Options to Maximize Contract Opportunities Direct award contracts First preference processes Open book negotiations Appropriate tendering criteria (eg bonding) Define role of primary contractor Size contracts to allow participation Business development assistance 10
How to Ensure Sustainable Employment? Facilitate training opportunities – transferable education and skills Fixed targets or quotas Human resource inventory and strategy First Nation hire as material term of contracts awarded 11
Is Monitoring and Enforcement Required? Yes – critical element to ensure IBA commitments are realized Role of advisory/implementation committee members Periodic reviews Project liaisons Dispute resolution mechanisms Employment and business inventories 12
What do Proponents want from Collaborative Ventures? Local and skilled suppliers/employees Contractors to share risks & profits Return on investment Market credibility Project approvals A “social licence” to operate 13
How to Meet the Needs of the Nation and the Proponent? Due diligence on the project and the Nation Identify inclusive and flexible scope for the businesses who will participate Plan to accommodate operational change: Stepped/phased approach Re-openers Monitoring 14
Sustaining Momentum Monitoring performance Reporting out Branch out to new projects/areas Conduct periodic reviews to assess what’s working Set targets Retain project liaisons for continuous communication Tailor dispute resolution processes to manage conflict efficiently and effectively Ensure employment and business inventories are compiled and current Provide adequate resources for implementation 15
What are the Challenges Facing Collaborative Ventures? Ensure all parties are informed throughout negotiation and execution Exercise due diligence prior to negotiating management fee’s Consider exclusivity carefully Balance certainty and flexibility in drafting termination clauses 16
Strategies to Reach Collaborative Ventures Clear understanding of goals and objectives Demonstrated business skills and capacity Credibility Listening to the signals Flexibility as the project changes Pilot projects or stepped commitments Understanding the deal Understanding the risk/reward relationship Solid business partners 17
montréal ottawa toronto hamilton waterloo region calgary vancouver beijing moscow london Thank You Tamara Napoleon Tel: Merle Alexander Tel: