FEEDING CRAYFISH Danielle Wisner EDU 327 Transit Middle School/Williamsville
Introduction and Background Number of students: 52 Boys: 27 Girls: 25 Cooperating teacher: Ms. Martha Short Fifth grade Distinguished, Proficient, and Developing Forty-five minute periods
Purpose The purpose of this Learning Experience is for the students observe what body parts the crayfish use to find and consume their food.
Essential Question How are crayfish similar to humans?
Enduring Understanding Both humans and crayfish need food and air to survive. They rely on humane treatment in order to maintain dynamic equilibrium.
Guiding Questions What is something that crayfish would eat? How do crayfish eat? Why do crayfish need to eat in order to survive?
Student Tasks Review Observations Hypothesis Conclusion
Standard NYS Learning Standard: MST MST Standard 4: The living environment Students will understand and apply scientific concepts, principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living envrionment and recognize the historical development of ideas in science
Standard Cont. Key Idea 5: Organisms maintain a dynamic equilibrium that sustains life Performance Indicator 5.1: Compare the way a variety of living specimens carry out basic life functions and maintain dynamic equilibrium Major Understanding 5.1g: The survival of an organism depends on its ability to sense and respond to its external environment
Assessment Tool Categories4321 Components Purpose Experimental Hypothesis Appearance Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Out of 5 points
Student Work: Distinguished
Pakhi- Distinguished I think crayfish eat anything like meat, or vegetables. I think they will like both corn and lettuce. Our crayfish ate mostly corn. Crayfish find their food using their antennae to help them feel their food. I think crayfish eat their food with the help of their maxillae.
Score out of 5 Well written using a high level of thinking. Very nice cursive and I feel that you have a good grasp of the unit. Score: 5
Rubric Categories4321 Components Purpose Experimental Hypothesis Appearance Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Student Work: Proficient
Danny- Proficient I think they will eat the food. They will eat corn and lettuce. The crayfish did not eat any food. The body part is their antennae that they use. The crayfish eat with their mouth parts.
Score out of 5 Conclusion is correct from our class but the day after we decided as a class that the crayfish ate the corn. Nice cursive and I feel like you are really enjoying this unit. Score: 4.5
Rubric- Proficient Categories4321 Components Purpose Experimental Hypothesis Appearance Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Student Work: Developing
Hunter- Developing lettuce corn Antennas and claws
Score out of 5 I know that you are enjoy this unit but I think that you are not understanding or trying. Try to pay a little more attention in class. Score: 2.25
Rubric- Developing Categories4321 Components Purpose Experimental Hypothesis Appearance Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
Modifications Environment and Management: Preferential seating Instructional: Variety of instructional setting Content/Material: Hands on Tasks: Multiple task to complete
Reflection Thanks to: Kylie Chandler Jill Turner Max Nelson Melanie Koch Catherine Sedota For my peer review
Student Teaching Placement 1 Transit Middle School 5 th grade Ms. Short Thank you to all!