Maple Syrup in the Classroom Lesson 6 Boiling and Filtering Syrup
Maple Syrup in the Classroom How much syrup will you make? Jones Rule or Rule of 86 To calculate the number of gallons of sap required to make one gallon of syrup divide 86 by the % sugar content (brix) of the sap measured by a sap hydrometer. 1 % ……………… gallons 1.5% ……………… gallons 2% ………………….43 gallons 2.5% ……………… gallons 3% ………………….28.6 gallons 6.1
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Making Syrup Sap must be boiled down to concentrate the sugar (sucrose). It will require several hours of boiling to remove the water and concentrate the sap. The hotter the fire the faster the evaporation. Be creative to utilize methods to boil off the water as rapidly as possible, no two sugar houses are the same. 6.2
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Making Syrup Scum may develop on the surface, remove scum with a wire strainer. Bubbles may form very rapidly from time to time until foam overflows the pot. You can use a drop of oil or butter to dissipate the bubbles. 6.3
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Making Syrup You will need to keep adding sap to your pot so you will have enough syrup to filter and can. – –Tip: You will need to boil off approximately 20 gallons of water to get a half gallon of syrup. Watch the pot very closely as you get close to finished syrup. – –Tip: Keep a thermometer in the boiling sap. When the temperature starts to rise above 212 degrees you know that you are getting close. 6.4
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Making Syrup Finished (complete) syrup can be tested with: – –Hydrometer - 66% sugar or brix – –Thermometer degrees Fahrenheit – –Weight - maple syrup weighs 11 pounds per gallon 6.5
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Evolution of Evaporators Hollowed Out Log with Hot Rocks Single Kettle over Open Fire Multiple Kettles over Open Fire Flat Bottom Pan over Open Fire Flat Bottom Pan over an Arch with Stack Modern Evaporator - Flue Pan over an Arch 6.6
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Single Kettle 6.7
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Multiple Kettles 6.8
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Flat Bottom Pan With Arch myo.html
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Mini-Evaporators myo.html boiling.htm
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Modern Evaporator with Flue Pans sugar_house_tour.php
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Testing Finished Syrup It is extremely important to correctly measure finished syrup. Syrup that is “under” or not finished will spoil. “Over” syrup will darken in color and sugar will be wasted as it often crystallizes. A hydrometer is the most accurate method for measuring finished syrup. A thermometer is a good indicator when the sap is getting close to syrup and should be monitored closely. 6.12
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Using a Hydrometer Hydrometer Cup maple_glossary.html HYDRO_INST.htm
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Filtering Syrup Solids of calcium and magnesium called sugar sand precipitate during boiling. Finished syrup must be filtered before canning to remove the sugar sand. Two types of filter will be used. – –Paper – –Felt 6.14
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Filtering Cont. Secure both the felt and paper filter over a large clean pot. The paper filter should be on top of the felt. Poor the syrup through the filter. – –Tip: Filters will need to be moved to expose and utilize all of the filter surface. Filters will also become clogged and need to be cleaned. It is best practice to simply back flush with hot water, dry and reuse. 6.15
Maple Syrup in the Classroom Canning or Bottling Syrup Syrup may be canned in commercial plastic or tin jugs as well as conventional mason jars. Syrup must be at or above a temperature of 180 degrees Fahrenheit. After container is filled and lid is secured it must be turned upside down to sterilize and seal the container. 6.16