Who Am I Founding of America to Civil War. I wrote Common Sense urging Americans to break free from Britain Thomas Paine George Washington Ben Franklin.


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Presentation transcript:

Who Am I Founding of America to Civil War

I wrote Common Sense urging Americans to break free from Britain Thomas Paine George Washington Ben Franklin

Thomas Paine I wrote Common Sense urging Americans to break free from Britain

I negotiated an alliance with France and a peace treaty with Britain Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin

I negotiated an alliance with France and a peace treaty with Britain

I was chairman of the Constitutional Convention and our nation’s first president Aaron Burr George Washington Edmond Randolph

George Washington I was chairman of the Constitutional Convention and our nation’s first president

I was known as the Father of the Constitution because I created its basis known as the Virginia Plan Henry Lee James Monroe James Madison

I was known as the Father of the Constitution because I created its basis known as the Virginia Plan

We favored a strong central government to lead our new nation Federalists Anti-Federalists Democrats

Federalists We favored a strong central government to lead our new nation

We opposed ratification (approval) of the Constitution especially since it did not originally contain a bill of rights Federalists Anti-Federalists Democrats

Anti-Federalists We opposed ratification (approval) of the Constitution especially since it did not originally contain a bill of rights

We were constantly debating each other over the role of the new government and the future of our country Jefferson and Hamilton Adams and Madison Monroe and Jackson

Jefferson and Hamilton We were constantly debating each other over the role of the new government and the future of our country

Under my watch as Chief Justice, the Supreme Court asserted its power of Judicial Review in the case Marbury v. Madison John Marshall Henry Clay John C. Calhoun

John Marshall Under my watch as Chief Justice, the Supreme Court asserted its power of Judicial Review in the case Marbury v. Madison

I created a “doctrine” that claimed the US would protect the western hemisphere from outside influences Andrew Jackson Daniel Webster James Monroe

I created a “doctrine” that claimed the US would protect the western hemisphere from outside influences

My invention of the cotton gin reinforced the need for more slaves James Watt Alexander Graham Bell Eli Whitney

My invention of the cotton gin reinforced the need for more slaves

As a native American tribe we were forced to move from our homeland to western territories in an event known as the Trail of Tears Sioux Cherokee Navajo

Cherokee As a native American tribe we were forced to move from our homeland to western territories in an event known as the Trail of Tears

I was the first president “of the people”. I gave loyal citizens jobs through the spoil system Martin Van Buren Andrew Jackson William Harrison

Andrew Jackson I was the first president “of the people”. I gave loyal citizens jobs through the spoil system

I was a slave taken to a free territory by my owner. I sued for my freedom but was denied by the Supreme Court Dred Scott Nat Turner Frederick Douglass

Dred Scott I was a slave taken to a free territory by my owner. I sued for my freedom but was denied by the Supreme Court