aggregate: inert or non-hazardous granular or particulate material, either naturally occurring or manufactured which is used in construction to form part or whole of a building or civil engineering structure WHAT ARE AGGREGATES?
WHY AGGREGATES? large material flow, EU needs 3 billion tonnes annually (6 t/capita) 90% from natural deposits,10% from recycled materials (target: %) good example on how - Community policies/legislation coincide and act in one direction - interests of natural resources management (incl. minerals & waste), industrial innovation, market information, environmental and social aspects on national, regional, local level can be harmonized - to achieve a higher level of integration via cross-border initiatives - to rejuvenate mature industries where technology traditionally exists - to decouple resource use from economic growth
The SARMa project is aiming at: sustainable mix developing a methodology which leads to a sustainable mix of primary aggregates primary aggregates (mineral gravel, sand, crushed rock), and secondary aggregates secondary aggregates (non-hazardous mining waste,construction and demolition waste, power plant ash, other industrial slags, landscape works residues) in order to: reduce landfilling reduce landfilling of industrial wastes, and prolong the availability Tprolong the availability of natural resources. SAR MA SUSTAINABLE AGGREGATES RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
THE FINANCIAL SCHEME (Reg. 1605/2002/EC): Supporting infrastructure development of regions lagging behind - SEE
The SARM modell
baseline (case) study reports...
Aznalcollar, 1998 Baia Mare, 2000 Aberfan, Wales, 1966, 144 Stava, Italy, 1985, 268
WASTE FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (2008/98/EC): Article 5 by-product: a substance or object, resulting from a production process, the primary aim of which is not the production of that item, may be regarded as not being waste but as being a by-product only if following conditions are met: (a) further use of the substance or object is certain; (b) substance or object can be used directly without any further processing other than normal industrial practice; (c) substance or object is produced as an integral part of a production process; and (d) further use is lawful, i.e. substance or object fulfils all relevant product, environmental and health protection requirements and will not lead to adverse environmental or human health impacts.
WASTE FRAMEWORK DIRECTIVE (2008/98/EC): Article 6 End-of-waste status 1. Certain specified waste cease to be waste when it has undergone a recovery, incl. recycling, operation and complies with specific criteria to be developed: (a) substance or object is commonly used for specific purposes; (b) market or demand exists for it; (c) substance or object fulfils technical requirements for specific purposes and meets existing legislation and standards applicable to products;…. The criteria include limit values for pollutants where necessary…. 2. …. End-of-waste specific criteria should be considered, among others, at least for aggregates, paper, glass, metal, tyres and textiles. Article In order … to move towards a European recycling society with a high level of resource efficiency, MS take necessary measures designed to achieve following targets: (b) by 2020, preparing for re-use, recycling and other material recovery, including backfilling operations using waste to substitute other materials, of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste excluding naturally occurring material (EWC ) shall be increased to a minimum of 70 % by weight.
10 INORGANIC WASTES FROM THERMAL PROCESSES 1001 Wastes from power stations and other combustion plants (except 19) Bottom ash Coal fly ash Peat and (untreated) wood fly ash Calcium-based reaction waste from flue gas desulphurisation in solid form Other solid waste from gas treatment Calcium-based reaction waste from flue gas desulphurisation in sludge form 1002 Wastes from the iron and steel industry Waste from the processing of slag Unprocessed slag 1008 Wastes from other non-ferrous thermal metallurgy Slags (first and second smelting) 1009 Wastes from casting of ferrous pieces Furnace slag Furnace dust 1011 Wastes from manufacture of glass and glass products Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing 1012 Wastes from manufacture of ceramic goods, bricks, tiles, construction products Waste preparation mixture before thermal processing 1013 Wastes from manufacture of cement, lime, plaster, articles, products made from 17 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WASTES (INCL. ROAD CONSTRUCTION) 1701 Concrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics, and gypsum-based materials Concrete Bricks Tiles and ceramics Gypsum-based construction materials 1702 Wood, glass and plastic 1705 Soil and dredging spoil Soil and stones other than those in Dredging spoil other than those in Insulation materials 1707 Mixed construction and demolition waste
COMMUNITY MINERALS POLICY aggregates Kick-off meeting: 8th November 2011 Brussels, Embassy of France
CONCLUSIONS / RECOMMENDATIONS crossover screening of acquis with regard to a complex raw material stream, no legal contradiction was found the aggregate field was out of scope until end of XXth century, last 10 years brought great progress waste acquis is progressive, however financial regulatory instruments are left over to MS more regulation needed on certain industrial waste streams and end-of-waste Natura 2000, environmental liability, lack of minerals and spatialplanning acquis are major barriers for the primary aggregate industry the sustainability principle (i.e. life-cycle assessment, indicator approach, product-specific thresholds, fit-for-use) can only be traced in a piece of eco-label legislation (on hard-floor covering), therefore MORE END-OF-WASTE CRITERIA AND ECO-LABEL PROTOCOLS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR AGGREGATES IN THE FUTURE + COMMUNITY LEGISLATION ON MINERALS POLICY AND SPATIAL DEVELOPMENT