Are We In Control? SQA Exams-A Parents Guide!
What do boys like? They like…… To have control (remote) Power over others Ideal goals Blaming others for failure Self-handicapping by not working Aiming too high or too low! To know they are heard
What do girls like? Approval To do their duty Hard work Blaming themselves for failing Realism To master their learning To be sure they are right and get a tick To be in control of their learning
Target, Time, Tick!
Target Get them to break up their studying into small manageable targets
Time Set them a specific realistic timescale to complete each target
Tick Get them to tick off each completed targets as they go………..
Target, Time, Tick…… The NIKE TICK =
NIKE= Victory Time
NIKE=Victory Tick
Then They Take a Break They’ve earned it….
Target, Time, Tick Assures mastery of the knowledge Breaks up the study time into manageable chunks Puts your child in control of the learning Sets realistic targets Gives the (remote) control to boys and girls!
Parents, what is your role here? Help them to plan their study Give support, not criticism Spoil them a little/Make them feel special Avoid family socials at key times Help them keep to a sensible daily routine Take an interest but not too much!
Pressure Give encouragement not pressure
Don’t freak if they seem to ignore your advice
Encourage them to relax the night before Take a bath, watch some telly, go for a walk)
Keep a perspective on things-exams are not the only thing in life