Microbes What types are there? What do they need to survive? How can we see them?
What types of Microbes are there? Bacteria Viruses Fungi Algae Lichens Slime moulds
Bacteria Usually named after their shape – rods, cones etc. Some cause diseases – Tuberculosis, while others are friendly – those growing on your skin. Found everywhere!!
Viruses Smallest microbes. Some cause diseases – Flu, while others only infect bacteria and leave us alone. Found everywhere!!
Fungi Largest microbes – sometimes what you can see is only used for spreading spores. Some cause diseases – Athletes Foot, while others are friendly and help us - decomposers. Found everywhere!!
Microbes – Disadvantages & Advantages Spoil food i.e., when the milk turns sour. Can cause diseases. We can eat some of them i.e., mushrooms. Make our food i.e., cheese. Decompose our waste – compost. Clean up pollution.
What do they need to live and thrive? Warmth (actual temperatures vary) Humidity/water A supply of nutrients Some need oxygen, but others don’t Light, some do some don’t
How can we see them? Depending on the size of the. microbe. –Bacteria, fungi can be seen with a light microscope. –Viruses usually need an electron microscope to see them. –Slime moulds and lichens can be seen without any help.