VON THUNEN MODEL By: Robert Chu, Ben Harner, & Jalen Springer
TABLE OF CONTENTS John Heinrich von Thunen Von Thunen Model Land VS. Transportation Value Understanding the Model Center & 1 st Ring 2 nd & 3 rd Ring 4 th & Final Ring Error in the Model
JOHANN HEINRICH VON THUNEN Johann Heinrich Von Thunen was a north German landowner, who developed the first serious treatment on economic geography. Von Thunen model was proposed in the book titled The Isolated State.
VON THUNEN MODEL The Von Thunen model is initially used to consider which crops to cultivate and which animals to raise based on market location for commercial farming. Farmers compare two costs Land The cost of transporting products to market
LAND VS. TRANSPORTATION VALUE Transportation value (Net Profit) The cost of transporting 1000 kilograms of wheat is $62.50 per kilometer To calculate the net profit it would be $62.50 times per kilometer If the farmer’s farm is 4 kilometers away, the Net profit would be $0. ($62.50 X kilometer= Net profit) Transportation The farmer considers the crop to be sold, that is more valued than the land. Ex: (Gross Profit) Not including transportation Wheat per kilogram costs $0.25 Land per hectare costs $100 Farmer produces 1000 kilograms and earns $250
UNDERSTANDING THE MODEL He found that specific crops were grown around different rings around the cities in the area. 5 rings: Market/City is the dot 1 st ring is Garden 2 nd ring is Dairy 3 rd ring is Meats 4 th ring is Livestock Farming Final ring is Grain
CENTER & 1 ST RING The center is where all the farmers are selling their products for cash and to earn profit off their sales. The 1 st Ring also known as the Garden which consists of the fruits and vegetables that tend to spoil quickly. Therefore needing to be closer to the market.
2 ND & 3 RD RING The 2 nd ring also known as the Dairy ring consists of the milk and eggs and come from the livestock in the 4 th ring. The 3 rd ring also known as the Meats ring which is another by product of killing the livestock and selling the meats. These two rings spoil quickly but not as quickly as the fruits so they need to be not to far away from the market.
4 TH & FINAL RING The 4 th ring is also known as the Livesotck Ranching ring and has all the cattle, and other animals that are taken care of to get the dairy products and meat products. The Final Ring also known as the Grain ring is where the wheat and your other grain products are not only used for selling but are also used for feeding the animals in the 4 th and 3 rd ring of the model.
ERROR IN THE MODEL Von Thunen did not consider the human factors into the model The model is based on similar characteristics in one area He recognized that this can change due to its topography and physical conditions.
WORK SITED The Introduction to Human Georgraphy (James M. Rubenstein)