Medusa Medusa was one of the Gorgons sisters. She was once a beautiful woman until she offended Athena. Athena changed Medusa’s hair into snakes and made her face so hideous that all who looked at her would turn to stone. Perseus killed her and presented her head to Athena.
Harpy Harpies are three winged dead spirits. They have the face of a woman and a body of a vulture. They shriek, peck and nag, they’re relentless tormentors. They spoil any thing that they touch with their filth. They harass sailors on passing ships. The god of the underworld (Hades) send the Harpy on terrible errands.
Siren Sailors passing by the rock island of the coast of Italy, would hear the song of death that they sang would crash there ship it to the rock. The sailors would come to them and the sirens would eat them.
Cyclops The Cyclops were almost like humans but they had a big eye on their forehead and their gigantic size. There were three of them : Brotes, (Thunder) Steropes (Lighter) and Argus ( Bright). Their parents were Gaea and Uranus. The Cyclops were the first smiths. When Cronus came to power he imprisoned the Cyclops in Tartarus. They were released by Zeus. Zeus fought with them against the titans and rewarded them by letting them out. They gave Zeus his weapon, the lightning bolt. They kept working for Zeus at Mount Olympus forging his lightning bolts. Polyphemus the son of Poseidon fought with Odysseus. Odysseus came out victorious and left Polyphemus blinded. Hermes killed Argus wile guarding IO for Hera. Apollo killed one of the Cyclops for Zeus killing his son Aesculapius.
Manticore The Manticore is a beast with the body and legs of a lion and the tail of a scorpion and the hideously disturbing face of a man. The Manticore eats its victims and no one has ever escaped. It kills the victim with its flesh ripping claws and teeth. It was originated in ancient India before European folklores.
Cerberus Cerberus was a three headed hound with a snake’s tail. Cerberus guarded the underworld and prevented the living from entering and the dead from trying to leave. If the dead tried to leave or the living to enter they would be devoured.
Basilisk The Basilisk is a mix of reptile and bird. It was Hatched by a freak egg laid by a cockerel. Then it was incubated by a toad. The basilisk has a snake like body, cockerel head and bird wings. It has poisonous breath and it could kill a person if they looked at it. It turns water green and can turn farm land into a desert. It could die if it saw its own reflection.
ChimAera The ChimAera was born with two heads. The ChimAera was a blood thirsty hated monster. The ChimAera was part lion, Goat, and Snake. Each Head can act differently. The lion part can breath out fire.
Minotaur The minotaur was born after king Minos made Poseidon mad. Poseidon sent a snow white bull for king Minos to kill. But king Minos couldn't bring himself down to kill it. Poseidon was so mad that he made king minos’s wife fall in love with it and king minos’s wife (Queen Pasiphae) had a child with a bull’s head. A master craftsman built a maze to house the monster. The minotaur was put in side of the maze. It was lost in the dark. Humans were sent to kill it but didn’t win. Finally some one Vanquished it. His name was Theseus and is now a Greek hero.
Griffen The griffen has the head, wings and four legs like an eagle and the hindquarters of a lion. The griffen can carry of a yoke of oxen. It’s stronger than eight lions and 100 eagles. It hoarded gold and emeralds.
Gorgons The Gorgons were horrifyingly ugly monsters who lived at the edge of the world. Their hair was made of serpents, and one look from a Gorgon's eyes would turn a man to stone. Perseus killed the Gorgon Medusa by beheading her while looking only at her reflection. The sisters were Stheno, Euryale and Medusa. Only Medusa was mortal
Hydra The hydra is a many headed water serpent. When you cut of a head off two more new heads would grow back. Hercules killed the hydra by cutting a head off and burning it so no more heads could grow back.