Vote for your new Member of the Scottish Youth Parliament?
A national youth voice; Represents young people across Scotland, taking action on issues important to you; Not party political; MSYPs (Members of the Youth Parliament) are democratically elected by young people in the local area where they live. What is the Scottish Youth Parliament? #SYPElex
Make sure you have a say in who represents you; Have someone you can talk to about issues in your local community or national issues; Be involved in democracy. Why should you vote? #SYPElex
2015 SYP Elections e-Voting
Visit Enter your Young Scot NEC card number OR a temporary number given to you by election support officers. Click the ‘Vote Now!’ button for the SYP elections! How does it work?
This should be the area you live or go to school. Voters can only vote in ONE constituency. How does it work?
Select your candidate from the list. Elections use Single Transferable Vote (STV) – this means you rank your preferred candidates in order. Voters can even choose to ‘spoil’ their vote. How does it work?
Once you have chosen, click ‘Confirm vote’ button….and that’s your vote cast! How does it work?
Elections Elections take place between 2 nd to 13 th March The constituency you will vote in is Renfrewshire South. The elections system will be available through the website
Temporary numbers If you do not have your Young Scot NEC Card, come along to a lunch time session where youth work staff will issue you with a temporary number to vote. Your lunch time session will be held in: To be added