Walney Extension offshore wind farm Meeting with the Planning Inspectorate Bristol 1 st March 2013
Offshore Work Plan Northern cable route option removed Southern cable option that runs south of Lune Deep Special Area of Conservation (SAC) has been selected.
Onshore Works Plan (Draft) 3
Walney Extension – High Level Time plan update
Design Changes - onshore and intertidal 5 Selection of final substation location and increase in height of substation structures Amendments to cable landfall location and working corridor width in salt marsh Realignment of the onshore cable route, inclusion of a section of cable connecting into the NGET substation, an additional cable spur to connect the export cable into the Project substation, and identification of specific working areas and access routes/points
Design Changes - offshore 6 Increase in monopile foundation diameter from 8m to 9m Addition of suction caisson foundation to jacket structures supporting wind turbines Increased burial depth for inter-array cables Changes to location of offshore export cable corridor Inclusion of 8MW turbine within design envelope (no change in maximum dimensions of turbines)
Design Changes - Consultation 7 Community consultation event, Middleton Parish Hall, 25 th February 2013 Design changes memorandum circulated to S42 and S44 consultees 28 th February 2013 Document placed on website, and notification sent to all S47 consultees 4 th March 2013
Conflicts with Local Authority pre-election purdah 8 Cumbria and Lancashire County Council elections scheduled for May 2013 Purdah commencing end March 2013 Pre-purdah presentation to Cumbria County Council local committees are currently scheduled for 8 th, 22 nd and 27 th March Lancashire County Council to advise whether their members require a presentation prior to purdah Key issues for discussion: Visual impacts Economic opportunities, and socio-economic issues and benefits Community benefits
Sediment / spoil disposal approach 9 Insufficient information pre-application to assess impacts of dredging for gravity base / suction caisson foundations Approach to disposal within the windfarm site, or at an existing registered disposal site not confirmed A range of foundation types to be applied for and assessed in ES – final project design not confirmed, therefore need for dredging and disposal not confirmed MMO have approved approach for this to be consented under a separate Marine Licence
Habitat Regulations Assessment 10 HRA being completed in accordance with Advice Note 10 (January 2013) HRA Screening & Scoping report issued in October 2012 Consultation ongoing with key stakeholders Draft HRA Report to be issued SNCBs including SNH, CCW, DoE Northern Ireland, NPWS Republic of Ireland, Isle of Man, local authorities, RSPB & PINS Key HRA issues: Manx shearwater displacement (alone and in-combination with other OWF) Construction impacts on birds using intertidal in Morecambe Bay SPA/Ramsar Construction impacts on saltmarsh habitat from cable landfall works Collision impacts on lesser black-backed gull colonies (Ribble & Alt Estuaries SPA / Ramsar) - in combination with other Irish Sea zone owf and other plans and projects Assessment of collision impact on migratory whooper swan and pink-footed goose
Project Team & Contact Details Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm DONG Energy Walney Extension (UK) Ltd. 33 Grosvenor Place Belgravia London SW1X 7HY Tel: Web: