Kent Developers Group Housing, Planning and Growth Event 11 th November 2014 Presentation in conjunction with KPOG, KHG and Design South-East
Kent Developers Group. Nick Fenton, Chairman, Kent Developers Group
Kent Developers Group Established in 1997 by Locate in Kent, supported by KCC. Originally a commercial property led organisation Formed to establish quality development in Kent A group of like minded individuals, committed to making a difference in Kent Also here to Help, giving advice to KCC, the Boroughs, other stakeholders - not setting more regulation
Kent Developers Group Kent Developers Group (KDG) is a unique association of 20 owners and developers of the main commercial, housing and regeneration sites in Kent and Medway. Here to encourage an effective working relationship between the private and public sectors, aiming to remove barriers to growth and bring about deliverable development and a functional property market. Working with KCC, KHG, KPOG, Design South East and the LEP to deliver future prosperity to Kent, promoting a close and trusting working environment. Addressing strategic issues across Kent and Medway and influencing major public sector organisations such as DCLG, the Highways Agency, the Environment Agency and Natural England. Addressing key issues across Kent and Medway that restrict and hinder OUR growth ambitions
KDG Members
KDG Associate Members
Kent Developers Group Kent people who know what Kent is all about
The Housing industry – How are we doing? There is a housing crisis, worst since the Second World War 100,000 Homes are required across the South East by 2021, almost twice our current delivery rate. Delivery fell dramatically through the recession Projections show a recovery but are the numbers deliverable?
Commercial Development We need more jobs, places for people to work We need Kent to thrive, make it prosperous Speculative commercial development dried up through the recession, three speculative commercial developers in Kent Occupiers are required up front, but few companies coming into Kent Need encouragement, not barriers
Time for change We have to deliver We have to deliver in a controlled and planned way We have to start to trust each other, work together to deliver Developers need to prove that we can be trusted Developers need to be in the delivery team, not outside it We need to show that Kent is open for business
Planned development We need planned, properly thought out development Quality Developments Delivering what the community needs Proper consultation and dialogue Leadership, an understanding that this is our problem, the communities’ problem too Do appeal decisions reflect a communities requirements?
Politics! Yes, we need houses, but:- – Not here, there is no requirement here – I don’t want them to be seen or spoil my view, put them in the towns – Definitely no ‘social’ – They cannot afford it round here anyway – Too many parking spaces, they can use public transport
Politics! By the way, it is disgusting my daughter cannot afford a house:- – I want her to be close, don’t want her very far away – I want her to have a nice house, plenty of space to park my car – I like this plot, l could get another house in there – It needs to be cheap, it will go up quickly after all – Affordability is an issue for my Daughter, any affordable houses?
How can we deliver?
Community involvement Development needs to involve the community It should be planned to be an improvement to the community They need to be part of the plan or at least be involved – leadership is key They need to see the benefits that they can achieve – Provide housing for young people – Specialist Housing, including the elderly Adversarial relationships do not work
Development impediments Enough things make development difficult and costly – Delays to the planning process – Ecology, Archaeology – Infrastructure delivery – Utility companies – Viability, especially East and South Kent and in areas of Maidstone Lets not add to this locally
Future plans Garden cities, large allocations Large Commercial proposals Bigger sites, local plans Sites in planning, ready to go Small developers
Smaller developer Before recession, 50% of the homes in Kent were produced by small developers Now, more like 30%, maybe less They have all the same issues as multi nationals, maybe more But lack the resources, clout and finance They can quickly deliver
Challenges ahead Planning process needs to be slicker Pre-application consultation needs to be effective, maintaining quality Leadership is required from all if we are to deliver Work closely with the Ology’s to reduce their impact Get everyone in the tent, this is OUR problem, ownership is required
How can we help? Offer advice Interact with KPOG, KCC, the LA’s Ensure they all understand the issues Remove the constraints, barriers Make East Kent just as attractive Help you deliver Help provide the development, homes and jobs, that Kent deserves
Thank You