Welcome to 3 rd Grade Mr. Gigliotti Room 35
A little info about Mr. Gigliotti I am originally from Cleveland, Ohio. I graduated from Otterbein College (in Ohio) in June This is my 8 th year teaching. I’ve taught 3 years in 1 st grade and 4 years in 3 rd grade. I am a big sports fan, especially baseball. I live in Laveen. Away from school, I like to spend time with my wife Beth & our 3 dogs, watch sports, and listen to music. I’m a big Cleveland Indians fan!
New Curriculum for For Reading, the district has adopted Reading Wonders. For Math, they have adopted My Math. Both are by McGraw-Hill Publishers and are aligned with the new Common Core Standards.
Beginning of the Day Attendance Turn in homework (Goes home Monday and due Friday) Agenda check Pledge of Allegiance Journey Bear sharing
Weekly Specials Schedule Monday- Art (Mr. Cram) Tuesday- Music (Mr. Pitts) Wednesday- P.E. (Mr. Lamb) Thursday- P.E. (Mr. Lamb) Friday- Technology (Ms. Bermudez) *ALL SPECIALS ARE FROM 11:30-12:10*
Reading/Writing Workshop Writing Process and Grammar – Punctuation – Capitalization – Sentences – Paragraphing – Parts of Speech – Poetry Writing – Letter Writing – Spelling – Editing/Proofreading – Brainstorming – Reports – Creative Writing – Cursive
Reading/Writing Workshop (con’t) – Mini-lessons – Small Group Work – Literature Circles – Reading Management – Guided Reading and Activities – Reading Strategies – Chapter Books – Short Stories – Poetry – Author Studies – Biographies – Assessments – Independent Reading
Math Pretest Skills/Galileo – Math Groups Things to expect – Place Value – Addition and Subtraction – + and – with regrouping – Money and Time – Multiplication and Division – Geometry – Problem Solving Skills – Fractions and Measurement – Graphs
Recess & Lunch 12:30-1:10
End Of The Day Jobs Agendas Take-home folders Pack-up Every night, students should take home their take-home folder and agenda book. Parents, please check your child’s agenda book daily and initial! Also, don’t forget to sign off on the weekly reading log. Thank you!
Homework Packets are sent home on Mondays and are due on Fridays. Please don’t send them back earlier! Weekly Reading Log- Read minutes nightly and complete the reading log. Reading logs are due every Friday with the homework packets! Please keep everything stapled together. The entire packet is worth 10 points (5 for reading log, 5 for worksheets) Math, Spelling, Reading, Science, and Social Studies can be included in homework packets. The goal is to start getting the students responsible for themselves and their work!
RULES Listen to others when they talk. Keep your hands to yourself. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don’t take what does not belong to you. Listen to your teacher.
Behavior System Card system: colored note cards green, yellow, orange, and red. Once a card is pulled, it stays pulled until the following day (everyone starts fresh each morning). When student is disobeying rules, they will first be warned verbally by the teacher. If behavior continues, student will be asked to pull a card from his/her numbered pocket off of the behavior chart. This card is the color green. By telling the student to pull the card themselves, it is making them accountable for their behavior. It also will spoil the “mystery word” reward for the day (see Rewards information). If student continues to disobey rules, they will be asked to pull another card from their pocket off of the behavior chart. This card is the color yellow. If student pulls this card, they will lose lunch recess for the day. If student still continues to disobey rules, they will be asked to pull the next card from their pocket on the behavior chart. This card is the color orange. The student will then receive a phone call home and lose other privileges in the classroom. If the student’s behavior continues and the student has to pull his/her final card, which is red, a request to organize a meeting with parents will be made and/or the principal will be notified. **If a student’s behavior is threatening the safety of themselves or other students, appropriate procedures will be taken and the rules of the card system will not apply. The principal will be notified immediately and the student will be removed from the classroom.**
Rewards Each week the class will have the opportunity to unveil the “mystery word” for the chance to earn a class prize. The only way letters can be unveiled is if no students have to pull cards from the behavior chart. This means that it is a group effort to earn rewards. Even if only one student has to pull a card, it makes it impossible for the class to earn a “mystery word” letter for that day. Only one mystery letter can be earned per day. When all the “mystery word” letters have been unveiled, the class will earn a prize. The following day, a new “mystery word” will take its place and the process will begin again. * The only way to earn the reward is to unveil all the letters. The students may not earn the reward by guessing the word.*
Other Business Contacting Mr. Gigliotti - (best Phone ext (leave me a message) If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns, please don’t ever hesitate to contact me. I am here for you and your child! We’re going to have a great year!!