1 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Using high-output track formation rehabilitation machine
2 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania
3 Existing Situation: the thickness of the ballast prism range between 0,40 – 1,10 m formation protection layer range between 0,10 - 0,70 m earth in the embankment is mainly mixed with clayey silts
4 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Designed solution: improve the plain line improve the route geometry in longitudinal profile improve the track geometry in cross-section increasing the bearing capacity at the formation level
5 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania General work schedule: Construction period 600 working days laying of m³ of new formation layers laying of 150 new turnouts installing of tons of rails laying of new sleepers 190 km of complete track renewal
6 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Stations:
7 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania RPM 2002 track formation rehabilitation machine
8 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Following works can be carried out in one operation process: Excavation of the old ballast layer Cleaning the ballast of cohesive material and metal pieces Sharpening and cleaning the pre-cleaned ballast Excavation of the remaining formation material Levelling the sub grade Building in the geotextile Inserting and compaction of the formation layer Inserting the recycled ballast track tamping and recording the achieved track geometry
9 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Ballast excavation chain:
10 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Recycling equipment
11 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Sub grade excavation chain
12 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Formation layer insertion and compaction devices
13 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Tamping unit
14 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Quality Control
15 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Quality Control Proctor
16 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Inserting geo synthetic materials
17 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania Transport Logistics: Rail bonded transport with MFS spoil wagons
18 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania The following advantages can be achieved by using high output track formation rehabilitation machines like RPM 2002: Insertion of the new formation layer without removal of existing track Recycling of old ballast No movements on the substructure formation with machines Compaction and levelling of substructure formation by RPM 2002
19 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania The following advantages can be achieved by using high output track formation rehabilitation machines like RPM 2002: Performance of the machine from 40 up to 70 m/h, depending on the thickness of the track formation layer On 2-tracks sections the train operation on the open track is possible Short, open excavation pit (approx. 6m long and 1m deep) Possibility of simultaneous insertion of geotextile and /or geogrid and formation layer
20 Rehabilitation of the track formation layer with the RPM 2002 in Romania The following advantages can be achieved by using high output track formation rehabilitation machines like RPM 2002: Reducing the line closure time No construction of temporary access roads Assuring a hand back speed of 40 km/h on the rehabilitated track Saving up to 50% new material by mixing recycled material