Does the moon’s height in the sky affect how high or low the tides are?
Hypothesis When the moon is higher in the sky the tides will be more extreme. When the moon is higher in the sky the tides will be less extreme. The moons placement in the sky will have no effect on the tides.
Height Does Not Matter
The Moon Does Pull the Water
The Sun Helps With the Extreme High and Low Tides
Moon’s Height In One Month
Tide’s Height Over One Month
History of Tidal Prediction
The first to claim tidal predictions in Britain was John Wallingford around He used the different phases of the moon to predict the “spring” and “neap” tides.
Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity led to the equilibrium theory of tides.
1873 First tide predicting machine.
In 1928 the Germans improved the tide prediction engine. This stayed in widespread usage until the 1960’s.
Southeast Alaska Natives The Raven brought the sun, moon and stars. The Tide Woman agreed to provide low tides for food. They used the phases of the moon to understand the extreme high and low tides.