Lecture 4 Tides
Three Players – Earth, Moon, Sun
-moon is the most important element
GRAVITATION G M 1/R 2 Gravitational force = M M R
Gravitational bulge Centrifugal bulge
C BA Gravitational force EarthMoon
A little more reality Path of moon’s centre Path of earth’s centre Both the earth and the moon revolve around their common centre of gravity Common centre of gravity
A little more reality x Common centre of gravity Path of earth’s centre
A little more reality
Daily advance of peak tide
Daily change of tide heights
Different tide cycles
Diurnal Tide
Different tide cycles Semidiurnal Tide
Different tide cycles Mixed Semidiurnal Tide
Different tide cycles
Coriolus forces
Coriolus forces and gyres
Amphidromic points
Amphidromic points - Animation
Amphidromic Points - Gulf of St. Lawrence
Tide Levels and Chart Datum MHWS - Mean High Water on the Spring tide MHWS - Mean High Water on the Neap tide MHWS - Mean Low Water on the Spring tide MHWS - Mean Low Water on the Neap tide MHWS MLWS MHWN MLWN MTL Spring Range Neap Range MTL - Mean Tide Level Chart Datum
Tidal Bore
Bay of Fundy Tides
Determination of Tide Level Finding the tide Primary port Secondary ports
Tides and Weather
Parlee Beach
Tides and Weather Saxby Gale
Hurricane Sandy
Next time Waves and Currents